Joe Biden

Biden Campaign Press Release - Biden for President Debuts Two-Minute Ad on Final Night of Republican Convention as General Election Ramps Up

August 27, 2020

"Some people are always in a hurry. They run when they could walk, race up steps when others take it slow. When Joe Biden is president, America is just going to have to keep up."

Today, Biden for President released a new two-minute television spot in the run up to Donald Trump's speech at the Republican Convention that narrates step-by-step Joe Biden's story, record, and vision. As Republicans wrap up a chaotic convention that distracted from how Trump slow-walked the response to the coronavirus and created the subsequent economic downfall, Biden for President continues to highlight Biden's leadership on the economy, plans to beat the virus, and mission to unite the country.

The ad will run in full on ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox News this evening ahead of convention programming, and then run throughout the weekend in key battleground states, including Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The ad is part of Biden for President's ongoing paid media program across broadcast and digital, which includes $26 million in spend this week.
Watch "Keep Up" HERE.

Below is a full transcript of the new ad:

NARRATOR: Some people are always in a hurry. They run when they could walk, race up steps when others take it slow. When Joe Biden is president, America is just going to have to keep up.

We won't have to wait to deal with COVID-19, he's already got a plan. Won't have to wait for a president on the side of working families. He's from Scranton, no one has to tell him Wall Street didn't build this country. He knows who did.

We're a nation that's been hit hard by this virus. But Joe Biden knows when you get knocked down, you get up off the mat.

No one needs to tell Joe how hard life can hit you. Losing a wife, a daughter, a son. But he knows it's in the pain you can find purpose.

To lead America, you need to understand America.

BIDEN: America's an idea. An idea stronger than any army, more powerful than any dictator or tyrant. It gives hope to the most desperate people on Earth. And it's an idea as alive and powerful today as it was when it was first proposed. The most powerful idea in the history of the world, I think beats in the heart of the people of this country.

No matter your race, your ethnicity. No matter your gender identity, your sexual orientation. No matter your faith. It unites America. Whether your ancestors were native to these shores or they were brought here forcibly and enslaved. Whether they're immigrants of generations back or those coming today looking to build a better life for their families.

Our best days are not behind us. They're ahead. In times as challenging as these, I believe there's only one way forward: as a united America. United in our dream of a better future. For us and for our children. This is our moment. This is our mission. And we'll do it together.

I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message.

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Biden Campaign Press Release - Biden for President Debuts Two-Minute Ad on Final Night of Republican Convention as General Election Ramps Up Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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