Ronald Reagan picture

Appointment of Marl Maseng as Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Public Liaison

May 12, 1986

The President today announced the appointment of Mari Maseng to be Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Public Liaison. She will succeed Linda Chavez.

Since April 1985 Ms. Maseng has been vice president and director of corporate relations at the Beatrice Companies in Chicago. Previously, she served as Assistant Secretary of Transportation for Public Affairs, 1983-1985; a speechwriter for President Reagan, 1981-1983; a press aide to Mrs. Reagan during the transition, 1980-1981; a media strategist for the Reagan-Bush campaign, 1980; staff director for Senator Bob Dole's Presidential campaign, 1979; a press aide to Representative Phil Crane, 1979; campaign press secretary for Senator Strom Thurmond, 1978; and a reporter for the Charleston Evening Post, 1976-1978.

Ms. Maseng graduated from the University of South Carolina (B.A., 1975). She resides in Washington, DC, and was born March 15, 1954, in Chicago, IL.

Ronald Reagan, Appointment of Marl Maseng as Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Public Liaison Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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