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Executive Order 5781—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Florence C. Brock
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 5782—Enlarging the Hutton Lake Migratory Bird Refuge, Wyoming
Executive Order 5780—Public Water Restoration No. 71, Arizona and Utah
Executive Order 5779—Tongass National Forest, Alaska
Executive Order 5778—Stipulations for the Payment of Prevailing Rate of Wages in Public Building Contracts
Executive Order 5777—Amendment of Schedule B of the Civil-Service Rules to Increase the Number of Positions of Headquarters Messenger, Philippine Department
Executive Order 5776—Amendment of the Civil-Service Rules Relating to Veterans' Preference
Executive Order 5775—Transfer of Miners in the Bureau of Mines, with Their Positions, from the Noncompetitive to the Competitive Service
Executive Order 5774—Amendment of Schedule A, Civil-Service Rules, to Permit Appointment of Members of National Homes Without Examination
Executive Order 5773—Amendments to the Consular Regulations