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Executive Order 13647—Establishing the White House Council on Native American Affairs
Barack Obama
Executive Order 13646—Establishing the President's Advisory Council on Financial Capability for Young Americans
Executive Order 13645—Authorizing the Implementation of Certain Sanctions Set Forth in the Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012 and Additional Sanctions With Respect to Iran
Executive Order 13644—Amendment to Executive Order 13639
Executive Order 13643—2013 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States
Executive Order 13642—Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information
Executive Order 13641—Adjustment of Certain Rates of Pay
Executive Order 13640—Continuance of Advisory Council
Executive Order 13639—Establishment of the Presidential Commission on Election Administration
Executive Order 13638—Amendments to Executive Order 12777
Executive Order 13637—Administration of Reformed Export Controls
Executive Order 13636—Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity
Executive Order 13635—Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay
Executive Order 13634—Reestablishment of Advisory Commission
Executive Order 13633—Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on Monday, December 24, 2012
Executive Order 13631—Reestablishment of Advisory Group
Executive Order 13632—Establishing the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force
Executive Order 13630—Establishment of an Interagency Task Force on Commercial Advocacy
Executive Order 13629—Establishing the White House Homeland Security Partnership Council
Executive Order 13628—Authorizing the Implementation of Certain Sanctions Set Forth in the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 and Additional Sanctions With Respect to Iran
Executive Order 13627—Strengthening Protections Against Trafficking in Persons in Federal Contracts
Executive Order 13626—Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration
Executive Order 13625—Improving Access to Mental Health Services for Veterans, Service Members, and Military Families
Executive Order 13624—Accelerating Investment in Industrial Energy Efficiency
Executive Order 13623—Preventing and Responding to Violence Against Women and Girls Globally
Executive Order 13622—Authorizing Additional Sanctions With Respect to Iran
Executive Order 13621—White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans
Executive Order 13620—Taking Additional Steps To Address the National Emergency With Respect to Somalia
Executive Order 13619—Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stabilization of Burma
Executive Order 13618—Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions
Executive Order 13617—Blocking Property of the Government of the Russian Federation Relating to the Disposition of Highly Enriched Uranium Extracted From Nuclear Weapons
Executive Order 13616—Accelerating Broadband Infrastructure Deployment
Executive Order 13612—Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Agriculture
Executive Order 13613—Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Commerce
Executive Order 13614—Providing an Order of Succession Within the Environmental Protection Agency
Executive Order 13615—Providing an Order of Succession Within the Office of Management and Budget
Executive Order 13611—Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen
Executive Order 13610—Identifying and Reducing Regulatory Burdens
Executive Order 13609—Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation
Executive Order 13608—Prohibiting Certain Transactions With and Suspending Entry Into the United States of Foreign Sanctions Evaders With Respect to Iran and Syria
Executive Order 13607—Establishing Principles of Excellence for Educational Institutions Serving Service Members, Veterans, Spouses, and Other Family Members
Executive Order 13606—Blocking the Property and Suspending Entry into the United States of Certain Persons With Respect to Grave Human Rights Abuses by the Governments of Iran and Syria Via Information Technology
Executive Order 13605—Supporting Safe and Responsible Development of Unconventional Domestic Natural Gas Resources
Executive Order 13604—Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure Projects
Executive Order 13603—National Defense Resources Preparedness
Executive Order 13602—Establishing a White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities
Executive Order 13601—Establishment of the Interagency Trade Enforcement Center
Executive Order 13600—Establishing the President's Global Development Council
Executive Order 13599—Blocking Property of the Government of Iran and Iranian Financial Institutions
Executive Order 13598—Assignment of Functions Relating to Certain Promotion and Appointment Actions in the Armed Forces
Executive Order 13597—Establishing Visa and Foreign Visitor Processing Goals and the Task Force on Travel and Competitiveness
Executive Order 13596—Amendments to Executive Orders 12131 and 13539
Executive Order 13594—Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay
Executive Order 13595—Instituting a National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security
Executive Order 13593—2011 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States
Executive Order 13592—Improving American Indian and Alaska Native Educational Opportunities and Strengthening Tribal Colleges and Universities
Executive Order 13591—Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees
Executive Order 13590—Authorizing the Imposition of Certain Sanctions With Respect to the Provision of Goods, Services, Technology, or Support for Iran's Energy and Petrochemical Sectors
Executive Order 13589—Promoting Efficient Spending
Executive Order 13588—Reducing Prescription Drug Shortages