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Executive Order 12715—Support of Overseas Scouting Activities for Military Dependents
George Bush
Executive Order 12713—Report Required by Section 502 of the Automotive Products Trade Act of 1965
Executive Order 12712—Adding the Secretary of Energy to the National Space Council
Executive Order 12711—Policy Implementation With Respect to Nationals of the People's Republic of China
Executive Order 12710—Termination of Emergency With Respect to Panama
Executive Order 12709—Increasing the Membership of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Executive Order 12708—Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1984
Executive Order 12707—Termination of Emergency With Respect to Nicaragua
Executive Order 12706—Nuclear Cooperation with EURATOM
Executive Order 12705—Extending the President's Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism
Executive Order 12704—Amendments to Executive Orders Nos. 11830, 12367, and 12692
Executive Order 12703—Support for East European Democracy (SEED) Program
Executive Order 12702—Waiver Under the Trade Act of 1974 With Respect to Czechoslovakia
Executive Order 12701—Amending Executive Order No. 12334
Executive Order 12700—President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
Executive Order 12699—Seismic Safety of Federal and Federally Assisted or Regulated New Building Construction
Executive Order 12698—Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay and Allowances
Executive Order 12697—Extending the National Commission on Superconductivity
Executive Order 12696—President's Drug Advisory Council
Executive Order 12695—Delegation of Debt Relief Authority
Executive Order 12694—Amending Executive Order No. 12345
Executive Order 12693—Exclusion of the Defense Mapping Agency Reston Center and Elements Under the Joint Special Operations Command From the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program
Executive Order 12692—Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees
Executive Order 12691—President's Advisory Committee on the Points of Light Initiative Foundation
Executive Order 12690—Providing for the Restoration of Law and Order in the Virgin Islands
Executive Order 12688—Transfer Authority Choctawhatchee National Forest, Florida
Executive Order 12687—President's Education Policy Advisory Committee
Executive Order 12689—Debarment and Suspension
Executive Order 12686—President's Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism
Executive Order 12685—Noncompetitive Conversion of Personal Assistants to Employees with Disabilities
Executive Order 12684—Conforming the Central Intellegence Agency and Civil Service Retirement and Disability Systems
Executive Order 12683—Prescribing Regulations Relating to Certain Travel Time of Members of the Uniformed Services Called to Active Duty
Executive Order 12682—Commission on Alternative Utilization of Military Facilities
Executive Order 12681—Exclusions From the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program
Executive Order 12680—Administration of Foreign Assistance and Related Functions and Arms Export Controls
Executive Order 12679—Level IV of the Executive Schedule
Executive Order 12678—Level IV of the Executive Schedule
Executive Order 12677—Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Executive Order 12676—Delegating Authority To Provide Assistance for the Nicaraguan Resistance
Executive Order 12675—Establishing the National Space Council
Executive Order 12674—Principles of Ethical Conduct for Government Officers and Employees
Executive Order 12673—Delegation of Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Functions
Executive Order 12672—Interagency Committee on Handicapped Employees
Executive Order 12671—Exclusion of the Customs Office of Enforcement From the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program
Executive Order 12670—Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM
Executive Order 12669—Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
Executive Order 12668—President's Commission on Federal Ethics Law Reform
Executive Order 12667—Presidential Records
Ronald Reagan
Executive Order 12666—Exclusions From the Federal Labor- Management Relations Program
Executive Order 12665—Amending Executive Order No. 12658, President's Commission on Catastrophic Nuclear Accidents
Executive Order 12663—Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay and Allowances
Executive Order 12664—Establishment of Emergency Board No. 218 To Investigate a Railroad Labor Dispute
Executive Order 12662—Implementing the United States-Canada Free-Trade Implementation Act
Executive Order 12661—Implementing the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 and Related International Trade Matters
Executive Order 12660—National Microgravity Research Board
Executive Order 12659—Delegation of Authority Regarding the Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves
Executive Order 12656—Assignment of Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities
Executive Order 12658—President's Commission on Catastrophic Nuclear Accidents
Executive Order 12657—Federal Emergency Management Agency Assistance in Emergency Preparedness Planning at Commercial Nuclear Power Plants
Executive Order 12655—Establishment of an Emergency Board To Investigate a Railroad Labor Dispute