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Executive Order 2594—Creating Committee on Public Information
Woodrow Wilson
Executive Order 2587A—Federal Employees Removal on Security Grounds
Executive Order 2585—Taking Over Necessary and Closing Unnecessary Radio Stations
Executive Order 2572—Temporarily Suspending Eight-Hour Law Provisions in the Department of Agriculture
Executive Order 2570—Amending Civil Service Regulations
Executive Order 2569A—Establishing Civil Service in First, Second and Third Classes of Post Offices
Executive Order 2549—Indians of the Laguna Pueblo
Executive Order 2537—Naval Radio Stations for Alaska
Executive Order 2533—Naval Radio Stations for Alaska
Executive Order 2526—Relating to the Exclusion of Chinese from the Panama Canal Zone
Executive Order 2524—Reserving Certain Lands in the State of Arizona for the Papago Indians in Arizona
Executive Order 2505—Relating to Indians on Public Domain
Executive Order 2479—Providing for the Payment of Interest on Deposit Money Orders Issued in the Canal Zone
Executive Order 2461—Amending Consular Regulations 172
Executive Order 2462—Amending Consular Regulations 692
Executive Order 2456—Philippines—Requiring Governor General to Report to Secretary of War
Executive Order 2418—Alaska—Regulations for Sale of the Federal and Cliff Additions to Seward Townsite, Alaska
Executive Order 2413—Waiving Citizenship Requirement for Specified Federal Appointment
Executive Order 2375—Addition of Lands to the Reservation of the Camp or Fort Independence Indians
Executive Order 2345—Increasing the Strength of the Regular Army
Executive Order 2341—Relating to Cancellation and Reissue of Passports
Executive Order 2332—Former Siletz Indian Reservation
Executive Order 2326—Relating to Indians on Public Domain
Executive Order 2285—Requiring American Citizens Traveling Abroad to Procure Passports
Executive Order 2273—Colorado River Indian Reservation
Executive Order 2269—Suspending Operation of the Act to Promote the Welfare of American Seamen and to Forbid Their Arrest and Imprisonment for Desertion
Executive Order 2268—Establishing a United States Sheep Experiment Station
Executive Order 2262—Prescribing Consular Regulations for Maintaining the Rights and Enforcing the Duties of American Sailors in Foreign Ports
Executive Order 2223—Siletz Indian Reservation
Executive Order 2185—Changing the Name of Culebra Cut to Gaillard Cut
Executive Order 2138—Military Reservation for the National Guard
Executive Order 2133—Relating to Indians on Public Domain
Executive Order 2067—Gray's Lake Administrative Site (Near Caribou National Forest) Idaho
Executive Order 2060—Alaskan Townsite Withdrawal No. 4
Executive Order 2052—To Amend the Executive Order of March 20, 1914, Relating to Compensation to be Paid to Injured Employees of the Panama Canal and Panama Railroad Company
Executive Order 2051—To Amend the Canal Zone Law Against Gambling
Executive Order 2048—To Divide Administrative Site Within Oregon National Forest, Oregon
Executive Order 2047—Setting Aside Public Land for an Elk Refuge
Executive Order 2046—Ranger Station for Clear Creek Administrative Site Near Coconino National Forest, Arizona
Executive Order 2044—Appointing Experts for War Risk Insurance in Treasury Department