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Executive Order 7603—Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 6795 of July 26, 1934, Withdrawing Public Lands
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 7602—Revocation of Executive Order No. 7261-A of December 31, 1935, Amending the Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of the United States
Executive Order 7601—Withdrawal of Public Lands to Provide Material for the Construction and Maintenance of Public Roads and Other Public Projects
Executive Order 7600—Amendment of Tariff of United States Consular Fees
Executive Order 7599—Amendment of Executive Orders No. 6910 of November 26, 1934, as Amended, and No. 6964 of February 5, 1935, as Amended, Withdrawing Public Lands in Certain States
Executive Order 7597—Exemption of Harry O. Bailey From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7598—Exemption of Harry M. Reynolds From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7596—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use of the War Department
Executive Order 7594—Establishing Jones Island Migratory Bird Refuge
Executive Order 7593—Establishing Okefenokee Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 7595—Establishing Matia Island Migratory Bird Refuge
Executive Order 7592—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Etta May Gilley to a Position in the Postal Service Without Regard to the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 7590—Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 6119 of May 2, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands
Executive Order 7591—Exemption of Reinhardt Thiessen From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7589—Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 4914 of June 23, 1928, Withdrawing Public Lands
Executive Order 7588—Restoring to the Territory of Hawaii a Portion of the Fort Shafter Military Reservation
Executive Order 7587—Authorizing Certain Employees of the National Labor Relations Board To Acquire a Competitive Classified Civil Service Status
Executive Order 7586—Exemption of William Gerig From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7585—Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 6473 of December 4, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands
Executive Order 7584—Designating Ajo, Arizona, as a Customs Port of Entry
Executive Order 7583—Establishing Mud Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge
Executive Order 7582—Exemption of George W. Hutchison from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7581—Exemption of Louis A. Simon from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7578—Excluding Certain Tracts of Land From Tongrass National Forest and Restoring Them to Entry
Executive Order 7579—Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5165 of July 26, 1929, Withdrawing Public Land
Executive Order 7580—Exemption of Frank Hahn from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7577—Amending the Instructions to Diplomatic Officers and the Consular Regulations
Executive Order 7576—Restoring Lands to Territory of Hawaii for Road Purposes and Reserving Lands for Military Purposes, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii
Executive Order 7575—Limiting the Importation of Red Cedar Shingles From Canada
Executive Order 7573—Designating the Honorable Adolph G. Wolff as Acting Judge of the District Court of the United States for Puerto Rico
Executive Order 7572—Modifying Executive Order No. 7513 of December 16, 1936, Transferring Lands From the Roosevelt and Pike National Forests to the Arapaho National Forest in Colorado
Executive Order 7574—Exemption of Edward W. Kennard From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7571—Exemption of John G. Honey From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7570—Modification of Executive Order No. 7070 of June 12, 1935, Prescribing Regulations Governing Appointments of Employees Paid From Emergency Funds
Executive Order 7569—Exemption of Carl F. Jeansen From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7566—Exemption of William M. Beaman From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7568—Exemption of Clarence W. Perley From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7564—Extending the Limits of Customs Port of Entry of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Executive Order 7562—Establishing Sacramento Migratory Waterfowl Refuge
Executive Order 7565—Exemption of Joseph W. Austin From Compulsory Retirement for Age