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Executive Order 8760—Restricting the Eligibility of Federal Employees To Take Civil Service Examinations and To Be Certified
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 8759—Amendment of Executive Order No. 8704 of March 4, 1941, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Granting of Allowances For Quarters and Subsistence to Enlisted Men
Executive Order 8758—Establishing Conversion Factors for Use in Administering Quotas on Imports of Coffee
Executive Order 8757—Establishing the Office of Civilian Defense in the Office for Emergency Management of the Executive Office of the President
Executive Order 8756—Amendment of Executive Order No. 8633 of January 14, 1941, Ordering Certain Units and Members of the National Guard of the United States Into the Active Military Service of the United States
Executive Order 8755—Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as a Demolition and Practice Bombing Range
Executive Order 8754—Exemption of Frederick A. Sterling From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8753—Amendment of Section 60 of the Regulations Governing Highways, Vehicles, and Vehicular Traffic in the Canal Zone
Executive Order 8752—Amendment of Executive Order No. 8712 of March 15, 1941, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in Proclamations Issued Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 6 of the Act of Congress Approved July 2, 1940
Executive Order 8750—Exemption of Alphonso L. Graham From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8751—Establishing the Division of Defense Aid Reports in the Office For Emergency Management of the Executive Office of the President
Executive Order 8749—Establishing Guantanamo Bay Naval Defensive Sea Area and Guantanamo Bay Naval Airspace Reservation
Executive Order 8748—Approving Regulations of the Civil Service Commission Relating to Efficiency-Rating Boards of Review
Executive Order 8747—Exemption of Louis A. Simon From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8746—Amendment of Executive Order No. 8389 of April 10, 1940, as Amended
Executive Order 8744—Authorizing Certain Employees of the Government To Acquire a Classified Civil Service Status
Executive Order 8745—Exemption of Charley R. Davis From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8743—Extending the Classified Civil Service
Executive Order 8742—Partial Revocation of Executive Order of July 9, 1910, Creating Coal Land Withdrawal, Montana No. 1
Executive Order 8741—Revocation of Executive Order No. 5623 of May 15, 1931, Withdrawing Public Lands
Executive Order 8740—Covering Certain Positions Into the Competitive Classified Civil Service and Amending Schedule A of the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 8738—Allocating the Quota Under the Inter-American Coffee Agreement for Countries Not Signatories of the Agreement
Executive Order 8739—Revoking Executive Order No. 6802 of August 4, 1934, and Withdrawing the Land Described Therein For the Use of the Alaska Game Commission
Executive Order 8737—Fort Gulick Military Reservation
Executive Order 8735—Authorizing Certain Employees in the Office of the Administrator, Federal Security Agency, to Acquire a Competitive Classified Status Without Regard to the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 8736—Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5214 of October 30, 1929, Withdrawing Public Lands for Naval Purposes
Executive Order 8734—Establishing the Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply in the Executive Office of the President and Defining Its Functions and Duties
Executive Order 8733—Withdrawing Public Land in Aid of Flood Control, Oklahoma
Executive Order 8732—Withdrawing Public Land in Aid of Flood Control
Executive Order 8731—Amending Executive Order No. 8716 To Provide for the Appointment of Alternate Members of the National Defense Mediation Board
Executive Order 8728—Exemption of Ernest C. Steward From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8730—Amendment of Subdivision IX, Schedule B, Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 8729—Correcting Executive Orders Nos. 8680, 8682, and 8683 of February 14, 1941, Establishing Certain Naval Defensive Sea Areas and Naval Airspace Reservations
Executive Order 8727—Amending Paragraphs 104b and 104c, Manual for Courts-Martial, United States Army, Relating to Limitations on Punishments
Executive Order 8724—Restoring Lands of the Homestead Field Military Reservation to the Use of the Territory of Hawaii
Executive Order 8726—Exemption of Harry U. Wagner From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8725—Withdrawing Public Land For Use of the War Department
Executive Order 8723—Power Site Restoration No. 494, Partial Revocation of Executive Order of December 12, 1917, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 659
Executive Order 8722—Modifying Executive Order of December 12, 1917, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 659, Coast Streams in Western Oregon
Executive Order 8721—Amendment of Executive Order No. 8389 of April 10, 1940, as Amended