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Executive Order 12380—Submarine Duty Incentive Pay
Ronald Reagan
Executive Order 12379—Termination of Boards, Committees, and Commissions
Executive Order 12378—President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities
Executive Order 12377—Joint Mexican-United States Defense Commission
Executive Order 12376—Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving
Executive Order 12375—Motor Vehicles
Executive Order 12374—Reports on International Organizations
Executive Order 12373—Establishment of Emergency Board No. 195 To Investigate a Railroad Labor Dispute
Executive Order 12372—Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs
Executive Order 12371—Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
Executive Order 12370—Establishment of Emergency Board No. 194 To Investigate a Railroad Labor Dispute
Executive Order 12369—President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control in the Federal Government
Executive Order 12368—Drug Abuse Policy Functions
Executive Order 12367—President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities
Executive Order 12366—Presidential Commission on Broadcasting to Cuba
Executive Order 12365—Foreign Assistance and Arms Control
Executive Order 12364—The Presidential Management Intern Program
Executive Order 12363—The Foreign Service of the United States
Executive Order 12362—Overseas Employment
Executive Order 12361—Multinational Force and Observers Reports