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Executive Order 8994—Exemption of Frank Shoenfield From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 8993—Exemption of Victor H. Boyden From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8990—Appointment of State Employment Security Personnel to Positions in the Social Security Board, Federal Security Agency
Executive Order 8988—Directing That Certain Commissioned Officers of the Public Health Service Shall Constitute a Part of the Naval Forces of the United States
Executive Order 8987—Establishing Honolulu Defensive Sea Area
Executive Order 8985—Establishing the Office of Censorship and Prescribing Its Functions and Duties
Executive Order 8986—Authorizing the Governor of The Panama Canal To Increase the Compensation of Certain Employees
Executive Order 8983—Appointing a Commission to Investigate the Japanese Attack of December 7, 1941 on Hawaii
Executive Order 8989—Establishing the Office of Defense Transportation in the Executive Office of the President and Defining Its Functions and Duties
Executive Order 8984—Prescribing the Duties of the Commander in Chief of the United States Fleet and the Co-operative Duties of the Chief of Naval Operations
Executive Order 8982—Changing the Name of the Economic Defense Board, Established by Executive Order No. 8839 of July 30, 1941, to the Board of Economic Warfare
Executive Order 8981—Navy Hospital Area, Coco Solo, Canal Zone
Executive Order 8979—Establishing the Kenai National Moose Range
Executive Order 8978—Establishing New York Harbor, New London, Delaware Bay and River, Chesapeake-Norfolk, and Charleston Harbor Defensive Sea Areas and Prescribing Regulations for the Control Thereof
Executive Order 8980—Amendment of Executive Order of January 17, 1873, to Permit Persons Holding State, Territorial, and Municipal Offices to be Appointed as Members of Alien Enemy Hearing Boards
Executive Order 8975—Authorizing the Attorney General To Make Appointments in the Alien Property Division Without Regard to the Requirements of the Civil Service Act and Rules
Executive Order 8974—Control of Civil Aviation
Executive Order 8977—Establishing the National Patent Planning Commission
Executive Order 8972—Authorizing the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy to Establish and Maintain Military Guard and Patrols, and to Take Other Appropriate Measures to Protect Certain National-Defense Material, Premises, and Utilities From Injury or Destruction
Executive Order 8976—Authorizing the Secretary of Commerce To Waive Compliance With the Navigation and Vessel Inspection Laws for War Purposes