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Executive Order 5626—Extension of Trust Period on Allotments of Kickapoo Indians of Kansas
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 5625—Saturday Working Hours, Field Service, Department of the Interior
Executive Order 5623—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, California
Executive Order 5624—Regulations Governing the Occupation and Maintenance of Certain Foreign Service Quarters
Executive Order 5622—Classification of Federal Employees in the Philippines
Executive Order 5621—Amendment of Article X of Consular Regulations
Executive Order 5620—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Dorothy I. Sinnott
Executive Order 5618—Exclusion of Public Lands from the Crook National Forest, Arizona for Town-Site Purposes
Executive Order 5619—Deerlodge National Forest, Montana
Executive Order 5617—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Elsie K. Demshock