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Executive Order 9658—Possession, Control, and Operation of the Transportation System, Plants, and Facilities of the Capital Transit Complany, Washington, District of Columbia
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 9659—Extension of Trust Periods On Indian Lands Expiring During Calendar Year 1946
Executive Order 9657—Providing for the Representation of the United States in the Observation of Elections in Greece
Executive Order 9656—Transfer of Shipbuilding Stabilization Committee
Executive Order 9655—Regulations Relating to Commissioned Officers and Employees of the Public Health Service
Executive Order 9654—Adopting and Ratifying the Capture of the German Steamship "Milwaukee"
Executive Order 9653—Amending Schedules a and B of the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 9652—Authorizing the Appointment of Certain Personnel in the Department of State
Executive Order 9651—Amending Executive Order 9599, Providing for Assistance to Expanded Production and Continued Stablization of the National Economy During the Transition from War to Peace, and for the Orderly Modification of Wartime Controls Over Prices, Wages, Materials and Facilities
Executive Order 9649—Termination of the Office of Fishery Coordination