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Executive Order 11939—Basic Allowances for Quarters
Gerald R. Ford
Executive Order 11940—Continuing the Regulation of Exports
Executive Order 11938—Relating to Adjustment of Cost of Living Allowances and Post Differentials
Executive Order 11937—Relating to Appointments to the Quetico-Superior Committee
Executive Order 11936—The President's Commission on Olympic Sports
Executive Order 11935—Citizenship Requirements for Federal Employment
Executive Order 11934—Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
Executive Order 11933—Termination of the Federal Energy Office
Executive Order 11932—Classification of Certain Information and Material Obtained From Advisory Bodies Created to Implement the International Energy Program
Executive Order 11931—Extending Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities to Permanent Observers to the Organization of American States and to Members of Their Diplomatic Staffs