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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
American Hostages in Iran White House Statement.
Jimmy Carter
Checklist of White House Press Releases
Acts Approved by the President
Department of Commerce Nominations of Philip M. Klutznick To Be Secretary and Luther H. Hodges, Jr., To Be Deputy Secretary.
Digest of Other White House Announcements
Nominations Submitted to the Senate
Department of Transportation Nomination of William B. Johnston To Be an Assistant Secretary.
Federal Emergency Management Agency Nomination of William H. Wilcox To Be an Associate Director.
United States-Japan Economic Relations Group Joint Announcement.
Hospital Cost Containment Legislation Statement by the White House Press Secretary on House of Representatives Disapproval of the Legislation.
Blocking Iranian Government Property Announcement on the President's Action.
National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere Appointment of Five Members.
Marine Mammal Commission Appointment of Two Members.
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Appointment of Four Members of the Board of Trustees.
Superior Court of the District of Columbia Nomination of Iraline Barnes To Be an Associate Judge.
Iranian Students in the United States Announcement on Actions To Be Taken by the Department of Justice.
Energy Security Corporation and Synthetic Fuels and Conservation Programs White House Statement on Senate Approval of Legislation.
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty White House Statement on Approval of the Treaty by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.