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Meeting With Governing Mayor Dietrich Stobbe of Berlin White House Statement
Jimmy Carter
Visit of President Sadat of Egypt White House Statement.
Wisconsin and Kansas Democratic Party Primaries Statement by the White House Press Secretary.
1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow White House Statement on Prohibition of U.S. Transactions With Respect to the Olympic Games.
Connecticut and New York Democratic Party Primaries Statement by the White House Press Secretary.
Virginia Democratic Party Caucuses White House Statement.
Meeting With Franz Josef Strauss of the Federal Republic of Germany White House Statement.
State Democratic Party Primaries and Caucuses Statement by the White House Press Secretary.
United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Iran White House Statement on the Commission's Suspension of Activities.
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons White House Statement on the 10th Anniversary of the Treaty.
Meeting With President Policarpo Paz Garcia of Honduras White House Statement.
Visit of President Moi of Kenya White House Statement.
Nobel Laureate Andrei Sakharov White House Statement on the Internal Exile of Dr. and Mrs. Sakharov by the Soviet Union.
1980 Summer Olympics White House Statement on U.S. Withdrawal From the Games To Be Held in Moscow.
United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Iran White House Statement on the Establishment of the Commission.
1980 Summer Olympics White House Statement on the International Olympic Committee Decision To Hold the Games in Moscow.
Water Projects Legislation White House Statement on House of Representatives Approval of the Legislation.
Meeting With Prime Minister J. Malcolm Fraser of Australia Statement by the White House Press Secretary.
Meeting With President Simone Veil of the European Parliament White House Statement.
Nobel Laureate Andrei Sakharov White House Statement.
President's Personal Emissary to India White House Statement on the Selection of Clark Clifford.
Meeting With President Roy Jenkins of the Commission of European Communities White House Statement.
Meeting With Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genschef of the Federal Republic of Germany White House Statement.
Meeting With Vice President Muhammad Husni Mubarak of Egypt White House Statement.
West-to-East Crude Oil Transportation System White House Statement on the President's Approval of the Pipeline System.
Economic Sanctions Against Iran White House Statement on the Soviet Veto of the United Nations Security Council Resolution.
Meeting With Prime Minister Adolfo Suarez of Spain White House Statement.
Meeting With Agha Shahi of Pakistan White House Statement.
Meeting With United Nations Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim Statement by the White House Press Secretary.
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty Statement by the White House Press Secretary on the President's Request for a Delay in Senate Consideration of the Treaty.
American Hostages in Iran and Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Statement by the White House Press Secretary.
Foreign Military Sales Credits for Israel White House Statement.
Iranians in the United States White House Statement on a Court Decision Upholding the President's Authority To Investigate Student Visas.
Price Controls on Heavy Crude Oil White House Statement.
Regulatory Reform Legislation White House Statement on Action by the Senate Administrative Practices and Procedures Subcommittee.
American Hostages in Iran White House Statement.
Visit of Prime Minister Thatcher of the United Kingdom White House Statement.
Settlement of Conflict in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia White House Statement.
Shah of Iran Statement by the White House Press Secretary on the Shah's Departure From the United States.
American Hostages in Iran Statement by the White House Press Secretary.