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Letter Accepting the Presidential Nomination
Abraham Lincoln
Special Message
Address at a Sanitary Fair in Philadelphia
Remarks in Response to a Serenade by the Ohio Delegation
Reply to the Committee Recommending Nomination
Proclamation 112—Revocation of Exequatur of Charles Hunt, Consul for Belgium at St. Louis, Missouri
Executive Order—Arrest and Imprisonment of Irresponsible Newspaper Reporters and Editors
Executive Order
Message to the House of Representatives
Message to Congress on Relief for Eastern Tennessee
Address at Sanitary Fair in Baltimore: A Lecture on Liberty
Executive Order—Little Traverse Reserve
Letter to Albert G. Hodges
Proclamation 111—Concerning Amnesty
Remarks at a Fair in the Patent Office
Executive Order—Calling for 200,000 Men
Executive Order—Assigning U.S. Grant to the Command of the Armies of the United States
Message to the Senate
Executive Order—Exportation of Tobacco Belonging to the French Government
Executive Order—Deserters Death Sentences Remitted
Proclamation 110—Raising the Blockade of Brownsville, Texas
Executive Order—Drafting 500,000 Men