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Remarks of Welcome to His Imperial Majesty, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shahanshah of Iran
Richard Nixon
Executive Order 11731—Amending Executive Order No. 11647 Relating to Federal Regional Councils
Letter Responding to the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities Request for Access to Presidential Tape Recordings
Message to the Senate Transmitting the International Coffee Agreement 1968 as Extended.
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Customs Convention on the International Transit of Goods.
Statement on the Death of Edward V. Rickenbacker.
Remarks on Departure From Bethesda Naval Hospital, Maryland.
Remarks to Members of the White House Staff on Returning From Bethesda Naval Hospital.
Message to the Senate Transmitting a Protocol Amending the 1928 Convention Concerning International Expositions.
Statement Announcing Measures To Be Taken Under Phase IV of the Economic Stabilization Program
Proclamation 4230—Proclamation Amending Part 3 of the Appendix to the Tariff Schedules of the United States With Respect to the Importation of Agricultural Commodities
Executive Order 11730—Further Providing for the Stabilization of the Economy
Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury About Secret Service Testimony Before Congressional Committees.
Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report on the Food for Peace Program.
Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report of the National Advisory Council on Extension and Continuing Education.
Proclamation 4229—Captive Nations Week, 1973
Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Plan for United States Participation in the World Weather Program.
Statement About the Final Report of the National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control
Executive Order 11728—Amending Section 104(b)(1) of Executive Order No. 11157, as it Relates to Incentive Pay for Hazardous Duty Involving Aerial Flight
Executive Order 11729—Amending Executive Order No. 11710 of April 4, 1973, Relative to the National Commission for Industrial Peace
Statement About Signing a Bill Increasing Social Security Benefits
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Cost of Living Council's Quarterly Report on the Economic Stabilization Program.
Remarks at the Swearing In of Clarence M. Kelley as Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Letter Responding to the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities Request for Presidential Testimony and Access to Presidential Papers
Executive Order 11727—Drug Law Enforcement
Independence Day Statement.
Proclamation 4228—National Student Government Day
Statement on Signing the Second Supplemental and Continuing Appropriations Bills.
Radio Address About the Nation's Economy.
Statement About "Walk a Mile for Your Health Day.
Statement Announcing Additional Energy Policy Measures
Memorandum Directing Reductions in Energy Consumption by the Federal Government.
Executive Order 11726—Energy Policy Office
Letter to Governors Urging Support for Energy Conservation Measures.
Statement About the Report of the National Tourism Resources Review Commission
Executive Order 11725—Transfer of Certain Functions of the Office of Emergency Preparedness
Veto of the Supplemental Appropriations Bill Containing a Restriction on United States Air Operations in Cambodia.
Message to the Senate Transmitting the United States-Italian Treaty on Extradition
Executive Order 11724—Federal Property Council
Joint Communique‚ Following Discussions With General Secretary Brezhnev.