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Letter Accepting the Resignation of Dean Burch as Counsellor to the President.
Gerald R. Ford
Remarks at a Reception Honoring Professional Golfer Lee Elder.
Letter Accepting the Resignation of William S. Whitehead as Chairman of the Renegotiation Board.
Remarks on Signing 18 Executive Warrants for Clemency
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Anne L. Armstrong as Counsellor to the President.
Proclamation 4336—Wright Brothers Day, 1974
Executive Order 11820—International Council on Archives-Bicentennial Year Meeting
Executive Order 11821—Inflation Impact Statements
Remarks on Signing the National Mass Transportation Assistance Act of 1974
Special Message to the Congress on Budget Restraint.
Veto of Vietnam Era Veterans' Education and Training Benefits Legislation.
Veto of Zinc Tariff Legislation Containing Tax Riders.
Statement on the Death of U Thant.
Toast at a Luncheon Hosted by L. I. Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, in Vladivostok
Joint United States-Soviet Statement on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms.
Joint Communique Following Discussions With General Secretary Brezhnev of the Soviet Union.
Remarks Upon Returning From Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the Soviet Union
Remarks at Camp Casey, Republic of Korea
Toast at a Dinner Hosted by President Park Chung Hee of the Republic of Korea in Seoul
Joint Communique Following Discussions With President Park of the Republic of Korea.
Remarks on Arrival at Seoul, Republic of Korea
Remarks to Reporters Following a Visit to Nijo Castle in Kyoto
Remarks at a Japan Press Club Luncheon.
Toast at a Reception for Members of the Diet
Toast at a Reception for Nongovernmental Dignitaries
Joint Communique Following Discussions With Prime Minister Tanaka of Japan.
Toast at a Dinner Honoring the Emperor and Empress of Japan
Toast at a Banquet at the Imperial Palace
Letter Accepting Withdrawal of the Nomination of Daniel T. Kingsley To Be a Member of the Federal Power Commission
Toast at a Luncheon Hosted by Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka of Japan in Tokyo
Message to the Congress Reporting on the Balance of Payments Deficit Incurred Under the North Atlantic Treaty.
Message to the Congress on Legislative Priorities.
Statement on Sugar Imports.
Remarks on Departure for Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the Soviet Union
Remarks at Anchorage, Alaska.
Letter Accepting Withdrawal of the Nomination of Peter M. Flanigan To Be United States Ambassador to Spain
Proclamation 4334—Sugar Imports
Executive Order 11819—Membership of the Energy Resources Council
Proclamation 4335—Imports of Meat From Canada
Remarks on Accepting the F-15 Aircraft for the United States Air Force at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona