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Statement on the 25th Anniversary of the Berlin Wall
Ronald Reagan
Statement on Senate Approval of United States Assistance for the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance and for Economic Development in Central America
Remarks Following Discussions With President Miguel De la Madrid Hurtado of Mexico
The President's News Conference
Remarks to the Junior Livestock Competition Participants at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield
Remarks at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield
Remarks at a Fundraiser for Gov. James R. Thompson, Jr., in Rosemont, Illinois
Proclamation 5516—National Neighborhood Crime Watch Day, 1986
Radio Address to the Nation on the United States Supreme Court Nominations
Informal Exchange With Reporters
Written Responses to Questions Submitted by Bild-Zeitung of the Federal Republic of Germany
Message to the Congress on the Regulatory Program of the United States Government
Remarks at a White House Briefing for Supporters of the Strategic Defense Initiative
Remarks at the National Conference on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention in Arlington, Virginia
Statement on Signing the Handicapped Children's Protection Act of 1986
Remarks by Telephone to the Annual Convention of the Knights of Columbus in Chicago, Illinois
Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting a Report on United States and Soviet Compliance With Strategic Arms Control Agreements
Remarks Announcing the Campaign Against Drug Abuse and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters
Statement on Signing the Education of the Deaf Act of 1986
Message to the Congress on Norwegian Noncompliance With the International Whaling Commission Conservation Program