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Message to the Congress on Ordering Reserves to Active Duty To Support Military Action in Kosovo
William J. Clinton
Remarks Announcing Proposed Gun Control Legislation
Memorandum on Establishment of the Interagency Commission on Crime and Security in U.S. Seaports
Remarks on Presenting the National Medals of Science and Technology
Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Dinner in Chevy Chase, Maryland
Remarks at a Union of American Hebrew Congregations Dinner Honoring Rabbi David Saperstein
Statement on the Supreme Court's Decision To Consider the Food and Drug Administration's Regulation of Tobacco Products
Remarks at the Opening of North Atlantic Council Meeting With the Frontline States
Remarks at the Opening Session of the Summit of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
Remarks at the Close of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization 50th Anniversary Summit
Remarks in a Discussion Entitled "The Third Way: Progressive Governance for the 21st Century"
The President's News Conference
The President's Radio Address
Washington Summit Communique
Remarks at a Dinner Honoring the Leaders of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
Remarks at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization-Ukraine Commission
Remarks at the Opening Session of the North Atlantic Council Summit
Remarks at the Opening of the North Atlantic Council Meeting on Kosovo
Joint Statement on Kosovo
The Washington Declaration