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Executive Order 6757—Establishing the Committee on Economic Security and the Advisory Council on Economic Security
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 6768—Suspension of Construction of Aircraft and Engines in Government Plants
Executive Order 6763—Creation of the National Labor Relations Board, Etc.
Executive Order 6759—Exemption of George E. Ladd From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 6758—Including Positions in the Farm Credit Administration in the Classified Civil Service
Executive Order 6756-C—Approval of Code of Fair Competition for the Wholesale Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Distributive Industry
Executive Order 6756-D—Approval of Amendments to the Code of Fair Competition for the Distilled Spirits Industry
Executive Order 6756-E—Approval of Amendments to the Code of Fair Competition for the Distilled Spirits Rectifying Industry
Executive Order 6756-F—Approval of Amendments to the Code of Fair Competition for the Brewing Industry
Executive Order 6752—Amendment of Schedule A, Subdivision XVIII, of the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 6753—Exemption of Mrs. Maud Brackett Pattin from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 6754—Extension of Limits of Customs Port of Belfast, Maine
Executive Order 6755—Gastonia, North Carolina, Designated as a Customs Port of Entry
Executive Order 6756—Authorizing Appointments to Certain Emergency and Temporary Positions in the Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil-Service Rules
Executive Order 6756-A—Local Codes for Uncodified Service Trades
Executive Order 6751—Establishing the National Steel Labor Relations Board
Executive Order 6756-B—Code of Fair Competition for the Needlework Industry in Puerto Rico
Executive Order 6749—Allocation of Funds for Petroleum Administration
Executive Order 6750-A—Delegating Further Functions and Powers to the Administrator for Industrial Recovery
Executive Order 6750-B—Supplementary Code of Fair Competition for the Plastering and Lathing Contracting Division of the Construction Industry
Executive Order 6750—Public Notice and Presentation of Views in Connection with Foreign Trade Agreements
Executive Order 6750-C—Prescribing Rules and Regulations for the Interpretation and Application of Certain Labor Provisions of Codes of Fair Competition as They May Affect Apprentice Training Programs in Industry
Executive Order 6748—Establishing the National Longshoremen's Labor Board
Executive Order 6747—Allocating Funds to Meet the Emergency and Necessity for Relief in Stricken Agricultural Areas
Executive Order 6746—Rates of Compensation of Government Employees in Emergency Agencies, Etc., Not Subject to the Classification Act as Amended
Executive Order 6745—Impoundment of Vacancy Savings for the Fiscal Years 1934 and 1935
Executive Order 6744—Waiver of Civil Service Rule II to Permit Certain Appointments in the Treasury Department
Executive Order 6744-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Retail Tobacco Trade
Executive Order 6744-B—Code of Fair Competition for the Cigar Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6743—Modifying the Code of Fair Competition for the Baking Industry and the Order of Approval Thereof
Executive Order 6740—Public Water Reserve No. 155, Utah and Wyoming
Executive Order 6741—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Lookout Stations, California
Executive Order 6742—Authorization of Special Committee Investigating the Munitions Industry, United States Senate, to Inspect Tax Returns
Executive Order 6739—Revocation in Part of Executive Orders of February 8 and July 2, 1910, Creating Temporary Power-Site Withdrawal No. 112 and Power-Site Reserve No. 112
Executive Order 6737—Cancelation of Portion of Chapter I of the Instructions to Diplomatic Officers
Executive Order 6738—Exemption of Curtis F. Marbut from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 6735—Making Certain Funds Immediately Available to the Federal Emergency Relief Administration
Executive Order 6736—Code of Fair Competition for the Candy Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6734-A—Approval of Code of Fair Competition for the Wheat Flour Milling Industry
Executive Order 6734—Modification of Executive Order No. 4778, of December 5, 1927, Reserving Public Lands for Educational Purposes, Alaska
Executive Order 6733—Withdrawal of Public Land for Classification, Mississippi
Executive Order 6733-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Bottled Soft Drink Industry
Executive Order 6732—Amendment of Schedule A, Subdivision XXII, of the Civil-Service Rules
Executive Order 6731-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Construction Industry
Executive Order 6731—Postponement of Effective Date of Transfer of Functions of the Veterans' Administration Pertaining to Civil-Service Retirement to the Civil Service Commission
Proclamation 2088—Suspending the Provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act of March 3, 1931
Executive Order 6730—Revised Code of Fair Competition of the Iron and Steel Industry
Executive Order 6726—Establishing the Division of Territories and Island Possessions in the Department of the Interior and Transferring Thereto the Functions of the Bureau of Insular Affairs, War Department, Pertaining to the Administration of the Government of Puerto Rico
Executive Order 6727—Postponement of Effective Date of Certain Provisions of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933
Executive Order 6728—Revocation in Part of Section 4 of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933
Executive Order 6729—Code of Fair Competition for the Canning Industry
Proclamation 2087—Forbidding the Shipment of Arms to the Combatants in the Chaco
Executive Order 6724—Authorizing the Purchase or Rental of Land for Emergency Conservation Work
Executive Order 6725—Appointment of Additional Members to the Science Advisory Board
Executive Order 6725-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Baking Industry
Executive Order 6723—Authorizing the Administrator for Industrial Recovery to Suspend Certain Provisions of the Codes of Fair Competition
Executive Order 6722—Documents Required of Bona Fide Alien Seamen Entering the United States
Executive Order 6717—Exemption of Charles Y. Dixon from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 6718—Making Additional Funds Available to the Central Statistical Board
Executive Order 6719—Modification of Executive Order No. 5082, of March 22, 1929, Withdrawing Public Lands, Oregon