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Proclamation 4061—National Postal Service Day
Richard Nixon
Proclamation 4060—World Law Day, 1971
Executive Order 11599—Establishing a Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention
Executive Order 11598—To Provide for the Listing of Certain Job Vacancies by Federal Agencies and Government Contractors and Subcontractors
Executive Order 11597—Amendment to Executive Order No. 11513 Increasing the Membership of the President's Commission on School Finance
Proclamation 4059—Fire Prevention Week, 1971
Executive Order 11596—Designating the Customs Cooperation Council as a Public International Organization Entitled to Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities
Proclamation 4058—Medical Library Association Day
Proclamation 4057—National Peace Corps Week
Proclamation 4056—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 1971
Executive Order 11595—Amending Executive Order 11583, Establishing the Office of Consumer Affairs
Memorandum About the Federal Government and the Arts.
Proclamation 4055—Flag Day and National Flag Week, 1971
Proclamation 4054—Father's Day, 1971
Executive Order 11594—Providing for the Use of Transportation Priorities and Allocations During the Current Railroad Strike
Executive Order 11593—Protection and Enhancement of the Cultural Environment
Proclamation 4053—Voluntary Overseas Aid Week and Human Development Month
Proclamation 4052—National Multiple Sclerosis Society Annual Hope Chest Appeal Weeks
Proclamation 4051—Mother's Day, 1971
Executive Order 11592—Delegating Certain Authority of the President to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Proclamation 4050—National Employ the Older Worker Week, 1971
Memorandum Announcing Recipients of the Federal Civilian Service Awards.
Proclamation 4049—Clean Waters for America Week, 1971
Executive Order 11591—Amending Executive Order No. 11157 as it Relates to Basic Allowances for Quarters for Members with Dependents
Executive Order 11590—Applicability of Executive Order No. 11222 and Executive Order 11478 to the United States Postal Service and of Executive Order No. 11478 to the Postal Rate Commission
Memorandum About Women in Government.
Proclamation 4048—Senior Citizens Month, 1971
Proclamation 4047—World Trade Week, 1971
Proclamation 4046—Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 1971
Proclamation 4045—Small Business Week, 1971
Proclamation 4044—National Farm Safety Week, 1971
Proclamation 4043—National Maritime Day, 1971
Proclamation 4042—Earth Week, 1971
Executive Order 11589—Delegating to the Office of Personnel Management Certain Authorities of the President Under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 and the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950
Proclamation 4041—National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 1971
Memorandum About the Federal Summer Employment Program for Youth.
Proclamation 4039—Cancer Control Month, 1971
Executive Order 11588—Providing for the Stabilization of Wages and Prices in the Construction Industry
Proclamation 4040—Proclamation Revoking Proclamation No. 4031 of February 23, 1971
Proclamation 4038—National Week of Concern for Americans Who Are Prisoners of War or Missing in Action
Executive Order 11587—Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Proclamation 4037—Quantitative Limitation on the Importation of Certain Meats Into the United States
Executive Order 11586—Amending the Selective Service Regulations
Proclamation 4036—Loyalty Day, 1971
Proclamation 4035—Volunteers of America Week
Memorandum About Training Programs for Federal Employees.
Executive Order 11585—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between Certain Carriers Represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and the Eastern, Western and Southeastern Carriers' Conference Committees and Certain of Their Employees Represented by the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen
Proclamation 4033—Red Cross Month, 1971
Proclamation 4034—Save Your Vision Week, 1971
Memorandum Urging Support of the Red Cross
Memorandum About the Combined Federal Campaign
Executive Order 11584—Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Government Operations
Proclamation 4032—Law Day, U.S.A., 1971
Executive Order 11583—Office of Consumer Affairs
Proclamation 4031—Proclaiming the Suspension of the Davis-Bacon Act of March 3, 1931
Memorandum About the 1971 Federal Summer Intern Program.
Executive Order 11582—Observance of Holidays by Government Agencies
Proclamation 4030—National Poison Prevention Week, 1971
Proclamation 4029—USO Day
Proclamation 4028—National Safe Boating Week, 1971