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Proclamation 2714—Cessation of Hostilities of World War II
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 9816—Providing the Transfer of Properties and Personnel to the Atomic Energy Commission
Executive Order 9814—Establishing An Amnesty Board to Review Convictions of Persons Under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 and to Make Recommendations for Executive Clemency With Respect Thereto
Executive Order 9815—Amending Section 7 of the Executive Order No. 9691 of February 4, 1946, Entitled "Directing the Civil Serve Commission to Resume Operations Under the Civil Service Rules, and Authorizing the Adoption of Special Regulations During the Transitional Period"
Executive Order 9813—Appointment of the Members and the Alternate Member of a Military Tribunal Establlished for the Trial and Punishment of Major War Criminals in Germany