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Executive Order
Chester A. Arthur
Executive Order—Canceling Mescalero Apaches Land
Executive Order—Canceling Mescalero Apaches Land in New Mexico
Executive Order—Chilocco Industrial School Reserve
Executive Order—Reservation of Land for Pima and Maricopa Indians in Arizona
Proclamation 253—Law and Order in the Territory of Arizona
Executive Order—Suppai Reserve
Executive Order—Adding Land to Sioux Reserve
Executive Order—Defining Land for Uncompahgre Utes Indians
Executive Order—Establishment of Vermilion Lake Indian Reservation
Proclamation 252—Thanksgiving Day, 1881
Proclamation 251—Convening an Extra Session of the United States Senate
Proclamation 250—Day of Mourning for James A. Garfield
James A. Garfield
Executive Order—Reservation of Land for Indian Purposes in California
Executive Order—Reservation of Land for Mission Indians in California
Rutherford B. Hayes
Proclamation 249—Convening an Extra Session of the United States Senate
Proclamation 248—Suspending Duties on Certain Goods Imported on Vessels From China
Executive Order—Withdrawal of Land for Suppai (Havasupai) Indians
Proclamation 247—Thanksgiving Day, 1880
Executive Order—Defining Boundaries for Jicarilla Apache Indians
Executive Order—Canceling Fort Harney Military Reservation
Executive Order—Restoration of Tract in Montana to Public Domain
Executive Order—Establishment of Suppai (Havasupai) Reserve
Executive Order—Adding Land to Territory for Chief Moses
Proclamation 246—Warning Against Unauthorized Settlement in the Indian Territory
Executive Order—Revision of Agua Caliente and Santa Ysabel Indian Reservations
Executive Order—Withdrawing Navajo Territories
Proclamation 244—Thanksgiving Day, 1879
Executive Order—Returning Sioux Land in Dakota to Public Domain
Executive Order—Expansion of Pima and Maricopa Indian Reservation
Proclamation 243—Warning Against Unauthorized Settlement in the Indian Territory
Executive Order—Approving Land for Chief Moses
Executive Order—Establishment of Otter Tail and Pillager Chippewa Reservation
Proclamation 242—Convening an Extra Session of the Congress