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Executive Order 9986—Sale of Vessels of the Navy
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 9985—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Margaret E. Batick to a Competitive Position Without Compliance With the Requirements of the Civil Service Rules
Proclamation 2804—Fire Prevention Week, 1948
Proclamation 2804A—National Guard Day, 1948
Executive Order 9983—Exemption of Garland S. Ferguson From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Proclamation 2802—Termination of Brazilian Trade Agreement Proclamation
Proclamation 2803—Coast Guard Day
Executive Order 9984—Regulations Governing the Furnishing of Clothing in Kind or Payment of Cash Allowances in Lieu Thereof to Enlisted Personnel of the Navy, Coast Guard, Naval Reserve and Coast Guard Reserve
Proclamation 2801—Amendments of Regulations Relating to Migratory Birds and Game Mammals
Executive Order 9982—Extending the Provisions of Executive Order No. 9870 of July 8, 1947, Prescribing Regulations Pertaining to the Granting of and Accounting for Certain Foreign Service Allowances and Allotments
Executive Order 9980—Regulations Governing Fair Employment Practices Within the Federal Establishment
Executive Order 9981—Establishing the President's Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services
Proclamation 2799—Selective Service Registration
Proclamation 2800—Supplemental Quota on Imports of Long-Staple Cotton
Executive Order 9979—Prescribing Portions of the Selective Service Regulations and Authorizing the Director of Selective Service to Perform Certain Functions of the President Under the Selective Service Act of 1948
Executive Order 9978—Transfer of the District Land Offices at Blackfoot and Coeur D'alene, Idaho, to Boise, Idaho
Proclamation 2796—Convening the Congress
Proclamation 2797—Death of General Pershing
Proclamation 2798—Supplementing Proclamations of December 16, 1947 and January 1, 1948, Carrying Out General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and Exclusive Trade Agreement with Cuba, Respectively
Executive Order 9977—Discontinuing Certain District Land Offices
Executive Order 9976—Amendment of Executive Order No. 9871 of July 8, 1947, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Granting of Allowances for Quarters and Subsistence to Enlisted Men of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, and Per Diem Allowances to Members of Such Services and Coast and Geodetic Survey and Public Health Service on Duty Outside the Continental United States or in Alaska
Executive Order 9975—Regulations Governing the Allowance of Travel Expenses of Claimants and Beneficiaries of the Veterans' Administration and Their Attendants
Executive Order 9973-A—Exemption of Frank H. Wang From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Proclamation 2795—Display of the Flag at Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine
Proclamation 2794—Extension of Time for Renewing Trademark Registrations: Belgium
Proclamation 2793—Determining the Drug Isoamidone to Be An Opiate
Executive Order 9974—Extension of Executive Order No. 9898 of October 14, 1947, as Amended, Suspending the Eight-Hour Law as to Laborers and Mechanics Employed by the Departments of the Army and the Air Force on Certain Public Works
Executive Order 9973—Amendment of Executive Order No. 9830 of February 24, 1947, Amending the Civil Service Rules and Providing for Federal Personnel Administration
Proclamation 2792—Supplementing Proclamations of December 16, 1947 and January 1, 1948, Carrying Out General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and Exclusive Trade Agreement with Cuba, Respectively
Executive Order 9972—Designating the International Joint Commission-united States and Canada as a Public International Organization Entitled to Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities
Executive Order 9971—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between Certain Transportation Systems Operated by the Secretary of the Army and Certain Workers
Executive Order 9969—Suspension of Eight-hour Law as to Work by the Alaska Railroad, Department of the Interior
Executive Order 9970—Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on a Labor Dispute Affecting the Bituminous Coal Industry of the United States
Executive Order 9968—Designation of Certain Officers to Act as Secretary of Labor
Executive Order 9967—Designation of Certain Officers to Act as Secrtary of Agriculture
Proclamation 2791—Supplementing Proclamation of December 16, 1947 Carrying Out General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Proclamation 2790—Supplementing Proclamations of December 16, 1947 and January 1, 1948, Carrying Out General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and Exclusive Trade Agreement with Cuba, Respectively
Executive Order 9966—Exemption of Carroll Miller From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 9964—Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on Certain Labor Disputes Affecting the Maritime Industry of the United States
Executive Order 9965—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Certain Disputes Between the National Airlines, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees