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Executive Order 13962—Ensuring Access to United States Government COVID-19 Vaccines
Donald J. Trump
Executive Order 13961—Governance and Integration of Federal Mission Resilience
Proclamation 10126—Recognizing the Sovereignty of the Kingdom of Morocco Over the Western Sahara
Proclamation 10124—Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human Rights Week, 2020
Proclamation 10125—National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, 2020
Executive Order 13960—Promoting the Use of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in the Federal Government
Memorandum on Extension of Governors' Use of the National Guard To Respond to COVID-19 and To Facilitate Economic Recovery
Proclamation 10122—National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, 2020
Proclamation 10123—World AIDS Day, 2020
Proclamation 10121—Thanksgiving Day, 2020
Notice—Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Situation in Nicaragua
Proclamation 10120—National Family Week, 2020
Proclamation 10119—American Education Week, 2020
Notice—Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Executive Order 13959—Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments That Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies
Notice—Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Iran
Notice—Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Burundi
Proclamation 10118—Veterans Day, 2020
Memorandum on the Delegation of Authority for Fiscal Year 2021 Cost Estimates and Annual Reports to the Congress for the Land and Water Conservation Fund
Proclamation 10116—National Apprenticeship Week, 2020
Proclamation 10117—World Freedom Day, 2020
Executive Order 13958—Establishing the President's Advisory 1776 Commission
Memorandum on Protecting Jobs, Economic Opportunities, and National Security for All Americans by Ensuring Appropriate Support of Innovative Technologies for Using Our Domestic Natural Resources
Proclamation 10112—National Family Caregivers Month, 2020
Proclamation 10113—National Native American Heritage Month, 2020
Proclamation 10114—National Veterans and Military Families Month, 2020
Proclamation 10115—National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens, 2020
Notice—Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Sudan
Proclamation 10107—To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Under the Generalized System of Preferences and for Other Purposes
Proclamation 10108—Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Month, 2020
Proclamation 10109—National Adoption Month, 2020
Proclamation 10110—National American History and Founders Month, 2020
Proclamation 10111—National Entrepreneurship Month, 2020
Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2021
Proclamation 10106—Adjusting Imports of Aluminum Into the United States
Certification Pursuant to Section 6(E) of the Comprehensive Peace in Sudan Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-497), as Amended by the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-344)
Certification on Rescission of the Determination Regarding the Government of Sudan
Notice—Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Proclamation 10105—United Nations Day, 2020