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Presidential Determination No. 92 - 19 -- Memorandum on Emergency Assistance for Cambodian and Burmese Refugees
George Bush
Executive Order 12792—National Commission on America's Urban Families
Proclamation 6411—To Amend the Generalized System of Preferences
Proclamation 6410—Girl Scouts of the United States of America 80th Anniversary Day
Executive Order 12791—Nuclear Cooperation With Euratom
Proclamation 6409—National Day of Prayer, 1992
Proclamation 6408—Irish-American Heritage Month, 1992
Executive Order 12790—Amending the Order Establishing the Southwest Asia Service Medal
Proclamation 6407—Year of the American Indian, 1992
Presidential Determination No. 92 - 18 -- Memorandum on Certification for Major Narcotics Producing and Transit Countries
Proclamation 6406—American Red Cross Month, 1992
Presidential Determination No. 92 - 17 -- Memorandum on Counternarcotics Assistance for Mexico
Proclamation 6405—Save Your Vision Week, 1992
Presidential Determination No. 92 - 15 -- Memorandum on Export-Import Bank Services for South Africa
Presidential Determination No. 92 - 16 -- Memorandum on Assistance for Angola
Memorandum Delegating Authority to Report on the Rebuilding of Kuwait
Proclamation 6403—American Heart Month, 1992
Proclamation 6404—National Visiting Nurse Associations Week, 1992
Memorandum on the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty Implementation Act
Memorandum on Payments to the United Nations
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority Regarding the Report to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe on Implementation of Helsinki Final Act Commitments
Memorandum on Social Security Card Changes
Presidential Determination No. 92-14—Memorandum on Redesignation of Ethiopia Under the Export-Import Bank Act
Executive Order 12789—Delegation of Reporting Functions Under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
Proclamation 6402—To Amend the Generalized System of Preferences
Presidential Determination No. 92 - 13 -- Memorandum on Emergency Funding for the Organization of American States Mission to Haiti
Memorandum on Renewal of Trade Agreement With the People's Republic of China
Presidential Determination No. 92 - 11 -- Memorandum on Export-Import Bank Services for Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia
Memorandum on Regulatory Coordination
Memorandum on Reducing the Burden of Government Regulation
Memorandum on Transportation of Humanitarian Assistance to the Former Soviet Union
Proclamation 6401—Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 1992
Proclamation 6400—Women's History Month, 1992
Executive Order 12788—Defense Economic Adjustment Program
Proclamation 6399—Year of the Gulf of Mexico, 1992
Executive Order 12787—The Order of Succession of Officers To Act as Secretary of Defense
Memorandum on Determination Pursuant to Section 545 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1991, and Applicable Continuing Resolutions
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority With Respect to Certification and Reporting Obligations Regarding Middle East Arms Control