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Executive Order 9388—Establishing a Special Emergency Board To Report on Claims for Wage Adjustments of Nonoperating Railway Employees
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 9387—Establishing an Advisory Board on Just Compensation and Prescribing Its Functions
Executive Order 9386—Regulations Governing the Granting of Allowances for Quarters and Subsistence to Enlisted Men
Proclamation 2596—Amendment to Regulations Relating to Migratory Birds
Executive Order 9385—Foreign Food Procurement and Development
Proclamation 2595—Columbus Day, 1943
Executive Order 9383—Coordination of Functions and Policies of Federal Civil Agencies in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
Executive Order 9384—Submission of Reports to Facilitate Budgeting Activities of the Federal Government
Proclamation 2594—Capture of Prizes
Executive Order 9382—Making Certain Changes in the Customs Field Organization
Executive Order 9380—Foreign Economic Administration
Executive Order 9381—Amendment of Executive Order No. 9250, Entitled "Providing for the Stabilizing of the National Economy"
Executive Order 9379—Executive Order Establishing a Special Emergency Board To Report on the Adjustment of Wages for Employees of the Pacific Electric Railway Company of Los Angeles, California
Executive Order 9378—Amendment of Executive Order No. 9062 of February 16, 1942, Authorizing the Civil Service Commission To Adopt Special Procedures Relating to Recruitment, Placement, and Changes in Status of Personnel for the Federal Service
Executive Order 9377—Relinquishing Possession of the Plant of the Atlantic Basin Iron Works, Incorporated, at Brooklyn, New York
Proclamation 2593—Closed Area Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Michigan
Executive Order 9376—Reinstating John W. Bailey, Junior, in the Foreign Service of the United States
Executive Order 9374—Transfer of Certain Personnel Between the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Navy Department
Executive Order 9375—Authorizing the War Shipping Administration To Take Possession of and Operate the Plant of the Atlantic Basin Iron Works, Incorporated, at Brooklyn, New York
Executive Order 9373—Operation of, and Disposition of Electric Energy at, the Denison Dam, the Grand River Dam, and the Norfork Dam in the States of Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas