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Executive Order 10032—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Akron, Canton & Youngstown Railroad Company and Other Carriers, and Certain of Their Employees
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 10031—Separation of Officers of the Public Health Service on Grounds of Disloyalty
Executive Order 10030—Administration and Supervision of the District of Columbia National Guard
Proclamation 2824—National Freedom Day
Executive Order 10029—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Northwest Airlines, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees
Executive Order 10028—Defining Noncombatant Service and Noncombatant Training
Executive Order 10027—Extension of Trust Periods on Indian Lands Expiring During the Calendar Year 1949
Executive Order 10026-A—Korea
Executive Order 10026—Adopting the Manual for Courts-Martial, U.S. Army, 1949, for Use in the Department of the Air Force
Executive Order 10024—Restoration of Lands to Location and Entry Under the Mining Laws of the United States
Executive Order 10025—Designating Public International Organizations Entitled to Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities
Executive Order 10023—Amendment of Executive Order 9984 of July 31, 1948, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Furnishing of Clothing in Kind or Payment of Cash Allowances in Lieu Thereof to Enlisted Personnel of the Navy, Coast Guard, Naval Reserve, and Coast Guard Reserve
Executive Order 10022—Transferring the Use, Possession, and Control of Certain Lands From the Department of the Army to the Tennessee Valley Authority Tennessee
Executive Order 10021—Further Exemption of Harry B. Mitchell From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 10020—Prescribing the Manual for Courts-Martial, U.S. Army 1949
Executive Order 10019—Excusing Federal Employees From Duty One-Half Day on December 24, 1948
Executive Order 10018—Transferring the Control and Jurisdiction Over Certain Tracts of Land in Puerto Rico From the Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of Agriculture for Forest Purposes
Proclamation 2823—Thanksgiving Day, 1948
Executive Order 10017—Amendment of the Regulations Governing the Appointment of Postmasters of the Fourth Class
Executive Order 10016—Coat of Arms, Seal, and Flag of the Vice President of the United States