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Proclamation 2744—Amendment of Regulations Relating to Migratory Birds and Game Mammals
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 9885—Designation of the Assistant Secretaries of Commerce and the Solicitor of Commerce to Act as Secretary of Commerce
Proclamation 2743—National Guard Day, 1947
Proclamation 2742—Fire Prevention Week, 1947
Executive Order 9884—Restoring Certain Land to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii
Executive Order 9883—Revoking Executive Order No. 9172 of May 22, 1942, Establishing a Panel for the Creation of Emergency Boards for the Adjustment of Railway Labor Disputes
Executive Order 9882—Appointment of the Members of a Military Tribunal Established for the Trial and Punishment of Major War Criminals in Germany
Proclamation 2740—Extension of Time for Renewing Trademark Registrations: Switzerland
Proclamation 2741—Extension of Time for Renewing Trademark Registrations: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Executive Order 9881—Discontinuing the Palmyra Island Naval Airspace Reservation and the Palmyra Island Naval Defensive Sea Area
Executive Order 9880—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the River Terminal Railway Company and Certain of Its Employees
Executive Order 9878—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis and Certain of Its Employees
Proclamation 2738—Determining the Drug Amidone to Be An Opiate
Proclamation 2739—Amendments of Regulations Relating to Migratory Birds and Game Mammals
Executive Order 9879—Designating the Honorable Borinquen Marero as Acting Judge of the District Court of the United States for Puerto Rico
Executive Order 9877—Functions of the Armed Forces
Executive Order 9876—Authorizing the Philippine Alien Property Admnistrator to Perform Certain Functions of the President With Respect to Alien Property Located in the Philippines
Executive Order 9874—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Southern Pacific Company (Pacific Lines), the Northwestern Pacific Railroad Company and the San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railway Company and Certain of Their Employees
Executive Order 9875—Providing an Interim Administration for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Executive Order 9873—Transferring to the American Battle Monuments Commission the Functions of the War Department Pertaining to the Administration of the Mexico City National Cemetery