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Executive Order 10483—Establishing the Operations Coordinating Board
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Proclamation 3030—Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
Executive Order 10481—Designation of Certain Officers of the Department of Agriculture To Act as Secretary of Agriculture
Executive Order 10482—Providing for an Additional Member of the Government Contract Committee
Executive Order 10480—Further Providing for the Administration of the Defense Mobilization Program
Executive Order 10479—Establishing the Government Contract Committee
Proclamation 3029—National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1953
Proclamation 3028—Citizenship Day, 1953
Executive Order 10478—Delegating to the Secretary of Defense the Authority of the President To Order Certain Members of Reserve Components of the Armed Forces Into Active Federal Service and To Prescribe Regulations Governing the Appointment, Reappointment, and Promotion of Such Members
Executive Order 10477—Authorizing the Director of the United States Information Agency To Exercise Certain Authority Available by Law to the Secretary of State and the Director of the Foreign Operations Administration
Executive Order 10476—Administration of Foreign Aid and Foreign Information Functions
Executive Order 10474—The Honorable Robert A. Taft
Executive Order 10475—Administration of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as Amended
Proclamation 3026—United Nations Day, 1953
Proclamation 3027—Fire Prevention Week, 1953
Executive Order 10473—Amendment of the Foreign Service Regulations Relating to United States Foreign Service Fees
Executive Order 10472—Establishing the National Agricultural Advisory Commission
Executive Order 10470—Amending Executive Order No. 10408, Transferring the Administration of a Certain Portion of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands From the Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of the Navy
Executive Order 10471—Authorizing the Heads of Departments and Agencies To Grant Leaves of Absence to Certain Persons
Executive Order 10469—Amending the Selective Service Regulations