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Proclamation 3385—Designation of Restricted Waters Under the Great Lakes Pilotage Act of 1960
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Proclamation 3384—Immigration Quota
Proclamation 3383—Determination of Cuban Sugar Quota to Supplement Proclamation, No. 3355
Executive Order 10899—Authorization for the Communication of Restricted Data by the Central Intelligence Agency
Proclamation 3382—Civil War Centennial
Executive Order 10897—Authorizing the Secretary of State To Prescribe Rules and Regulations Relating to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System
Executive Order 10898—Establishing the Interdepartmental Highway Safety Board
Executive Order 10896—Amendment of Executive Order No. 6260 of August 28, 1933
Executive Order 10895—Extension of the Provisions for Rotation of Civilian Employees of the Defense Establishment Assigned to Duty Outside the United States
Executive Order 10894—Establishing the President's Committee on Migratory Labor
Proclamation 3381—Human Rights Week, 1960
Proclamation 3380—Thanksgiving Day, 1960
Executive Order 10892—Amendment of Executive Order 10152, Prescribing Regulations Relating to Incentive Pay for the Performance of Hazardous Duty by Members of the Uniformed Services
Executive Order 10893—Administration of Mutual Security and Related Functions
Proclamation 3379—Establishing the St. Francis National Forest and Enlarging the Ozark and Nebraska National Forests, Arkansas and Nebraska
Executive Order 10891—Establishing a Commission To Inquire Into a Controversy Between Certain Carriers and Certain of Their Employees
Proclamation 3376—Immigration Quotas
Proclamation 3377—Determining Certain Drugs to be Opiates
Proclamation 3378—Imposing Import Quotas on Tung Oil and Tung Nuts
Executive Order 10890—Including Certain Lands in the Dixie National Forest and Transferring Certain Lands From the Department of Agriculture to the Department of the Interior