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Proclamation 3462—Interstate Commerce Commission Day
John F. Kennedy
Proclamation 3463—Loyalty Day, 1962
Proclamation 3461—Cancer Control Month, 1962
Proclamation 3460—Modifying the Quota for Certain Blue-Mold Cheese
Proclamation 3457—Redefining the External Boundaries of the Timpanogos Cave National Monument, Utah
Proclamation 3458—Delaying the Effective Dates of Proclamation No. 3454 and Proclamation No. 3455 of March 19, 1962
Proclamation 3459—National Highway Week, 1962
Executive Order 11012—Providing for the Performance of Certain Functions Under Sections 1(a) and 1(b) of the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946
Proclamation 3456—National Youth Fitness Week, 1962
Executive Order 11011—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Trans World Airlines, Inc., and Certain of its Employees
Proclamation 3454—Modification of Trade Agreement Concession and Adjustment of Duty on Certain Machine-Woven Pile Floor Coverings
Proclamation 3455—Modification of Trade Agreement Concessions and Adjustment of Duties on Cylinder, Crown, and Sheet Glass
Executive Order 11010—Amending Executive Order No. 10713, Relating to the Administration of the Ryukyu Islands
Executive Order 11009—Amending the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1951, to Implement Section 923a of Title 10, United States Code, Relating to Prosecution of Bad Check Offenses
Proclamation 3453—National Safe Boating Week, 1962
Executive Order 11008—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Dispute Between the Akron & Barberton Belt Railroad Company and Other Carriers and Certain of Their Employees
Proclamation 3450—National Defense Transportation Day, 1962
Proclamation 3451—National Farm Safety Week, 1962
Proclamation 3452—Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 1962
Executive Order 11007—Prescribing Regulations for the Formation and Use of Advisory Committees