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Proclamation 3599—National School Lunch Week, 1964
Lyndon B. Johnson
Executive Order 11161—Relating to Certain Relationships Between the Department of Defense and the Federal Aviation Agency
Proclamation 3597—Proclamation Correcting Part 3 of the Appendix to the Tariff Schedules of the United States with Respect to the Importation of Agricultural Commodities
Proclamation 3598—Monocacy Battle Centennial
Executive Order 11160—Prescribing Regulations Relating to Medical Care for Retired Ships' Officers and Members of Crews of Vessels of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Dependents of Active and Retired Ships' Officers and Crew Members
Proclamation 3595—Fire Prevention Week, 1964
Proclamation 3596—Proclamation of Agreements with Paraguay and the United Arab Republic Relating to Trade Agreements and of the Termination in Part of a Trade Agreement Proclamation Relating to Paraguay
Memorandum Approving Agreement on Exchange of Atomic Information With NATO and Member Nations.
Executive Order 11159—Amendment of Executive Order No. 11143, Relating to the Public Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations
Executive Order 11158—Designating the Attorney General as the Officer Authorized to Administer the Provisions of the Austrian Assets Agreement of January 30, 1959
Executive Order 11157—Prescribing Regulations Relating to Incentive Pay for Hazardous Duty, Special Pay for Sea Duty and Duty at Certain Places, Basic Allowances for Subsistence and Basic Allowances for Quarters
Proclamation 3594—Captive Nations Week, 1964
Executive Order 11156—Establishing a Maritime Advisory Committee
Proclamation 3593—Flag Day, 1964
Executive Order 11155—Providing for the Recognition of Certain Students as Presidential Scholars
Memorandum on Employment of Handicapped Persons by the Federal Government.
Proclamation 3592—Women Voters Week, 1964
Proclamation 3591—World Trade Week, 1964
Executive Order 11154—Exemption of J. Edgar Hoover from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Proclamation 3586—Small Business Week