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Proclamation 5393—World Food Day, 1985
Ronald Reagan
Proclamation 5390—National Forest Products Week, 1985
Proclamation 5391—Veterans Day, 1985
Proclamation 5392—OPERATION: Care and Share, 1985
Proclamation 5388—Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Week, 1985
Proclamation 5389—National Housing Week, 1985
Proclamation 5385—National Learning Disabilities Month, 1985
Proclamation 5386—National Down Syndrome Month, 1985
Proclamation 5387—Lupus Awareness Week, 1985
Proclamation 5380—Fire Prevention Week, 1985
Proclamation 5381—National School Lunch Week, 1985
Proclamation 5382—White Cane Safety Day, 1985
Proclamation 5383—National Spina Bifida Month, 1985
Proclamation 5384—Oil Heat Centennial Year, 1985
Executive Order 12536—Board of the Foreign Service
Proclamation 5378—Twenty-fifth Anniversary Year of the Peace Corps
Proclamation 5379—Mental Illness Awareness Week, 1985
Proclamation 5376—Columbus Day, 1985
Proclamation 5377—Suspension of Entry as Nonimmigrants by Officers or Employees of the Government of Cuba or the Communist Party of Cuba
Proclamation 5375—Child Health Day, 1985