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Proclamation 5404—National Drug Abuse Education Week, 1985
Ronald Reagan
Notice of the Continuation of the Iran Emergency
Proclamation 5402—National Foster Grandparent Month, 1985
Proclamation 5403—American Education Week, 1985
Proclamation 5397—National Hospice Month, 1985
Proclamation 5398—National Farm-City Week, 1985
Proclamation 5399—National Family Week, 1985
Proclamation 5400—Centennial Year of Liberty in the United States
Executive Order 12537—President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
Proclamation 5401—National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month, 1985
Proclamation 5396—A Time of Remembrance, 1985
Proclamation 5395—National CPR Awareness Week, 1985
Proclamation 5394—National High-Tech Month, 1985
Proclamation 5393—World Food Day, 1985
Proclamation 5390—National Forest Products Week, 1985
Proclamation 5391—Veterans Day, 1985
Proclamation 5392—OPERATION: Care and Share, 1985
Proclamation 5385—National Learning Disabilities Month, 1985
Proclamation 5386—National Down Syndrome Month, 1985
Proclamation 5387—Lupus Awareness Week, 1985