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Memorandum on the Delegation of Authority Regarding Missile Technology Proliferation
George Bush
Presidential Determination No. 91 - 44 -- Memorandum on Trade With Mongolia
Proclamation 6307—Agreement on Trade Relations Between the United States of America and the Republic of Bulgaria
Proclamation 6308—Agreement on Trade Relations Between the United States of America and the Mongolian People's Republic
Presidential Determination No. 91 - 43 -- Memorandum on Trade With Bulgaria
Memorandum on Determination Pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, as Amended
Memorandum on Certification on Progress Toward National Reconciliation in Angola
Executive Order 12766—European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and European Space Agency
Proclamation 6306—Baltic Freedom Day, 1991 and 1992
Proclamation 6305—Pediatric Aids Awareness Week, 1991
Proclamation 6303—National Scleroderma Awareness Week, 1991
Proclamation 6304—Independence Day, 1991
Executive Order 12765—Delegation of Certain Defense Related Authorities of the President to the Secretary of Defense
Proclamation 6302—Father's Day, 1991
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority Regarding Report to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate on Humanitarian and Development Assistance Priorities of the Cambodian People
Proclamation 6301—Establishment of Programs for Special Import Quotas on Upland Cotton and Modification of the Tariff-Rate Quota on Imported Sugars, Syrups, and Molasses
Presidential Determination No. 91 - 40 -- Memorandum on Export-Import Bank Services for Bulgaria
Executive Order 12764—Federal Salary Council
Executive Order 12763—Facilitating the Operation of the Advisory Commission on Conferences in Ocean Shipping
Executive Order 12762—Amendment Relating to Basic Allowance for Quarters