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Memorandum on Eligibility of Bosnia and Herzegovina To Be Furnished Defense Articles and Services Under the Foreign Assistance Act and the Arms Export Control Act
William J. Clinton
Presidential Determination on Military Drawdown for Jordan
Memorandum on the Interim Report of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses
Executive Order 12989—Economy and Efficiency in Government Procurement Through Compliance With Certain Immigration and Naturalization Act Provisions
Memorandum on Benefits for Military Personnel Subject to Involuntary Separation as a Result of HIV
Proclamation 6865—150th Anniversary of the Smithsonian Institution
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority Regarding Provision on Haiti Under the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1996, as Enacted by the Balanced Budget Downpayment Act, I (P.L. 104-99)
Executive Order 12988—Civil Justice Reform
Proclamation 6864—American Heart Month, 1996
Executive Order 12987—Amendment to Executive Order 12964
Proclamation 6863—National African American History Month, 1996
Memorandum on Food Assistance to Developing Countries
Memorandum on Missing Persons and Missing Children
Notice—Continuation of Emergency Regarding Terrorists Who Threaten To Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process
Executive Order 12986—International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
Proclamation 6862—Religious Freedom Day, 1996
Proclamation 6861—Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 1996
Executive Order 12985—Establishing the Armed Forces Service Medal
Memorandum on Relations With the Palestine Liberation Organization
Notice—Continuation of Libyan Emergency