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Presidential Determination on Waiver and Certification of Statutory Provisions Regarding the Palestine Liberation Organization Office
George W. Bush
Proclamation 8123—National D.A.R.E. Day, 2007
Proclamation 8124—Thomas Jefferson Day, 2007
Memorandum on Assignment of Functions Relating to the Information Sharing Environment
Proclamation 8122—400th Anniversary of Jamestown, 2007
Proclamation 8120—Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 2007
Proclamation 8121—National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, 2007
Executive Order 13429—Establishing an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between Metro-North Railroad and Its Maintenance of Way Employees Represented by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Executive Order 13428—Renaming a National Forest in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Notice - Notice of Intention To Enter Into a Free Trade Agreement With Korea
Notice - Intention To Enter Into a Free Trade Agreement With Panama
Proclamation 8119—Cancer Control Month, 2007
Proclamation 8118—National Donate Life Month, 2007
Proclamation 8117—National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 2007
Proclamation 8116—Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., 2007
Memorandum on Assignment of Functions Under Section 530 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1994 and 1995, and Section 2(b)(4) of the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, as Amended
Proclamation 8115—Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy, 2007
Proclamation 8114—To Implement Modifications to the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act and the African Growth and Opportunity Act and for Other Purposes
Presidential Determination on the Eligibility of the Republic of Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia To Receive Defense Articles and Defense Services
Proclamation 8113—National Poison Prevention Week, 2007