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Executive Order 5200—Transferring the Division of Cooperative Marketing to the Federal Farm Board
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 5198—Amendment to Schedule A, Subdivision IX of the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 5197-A—Assignment of Frequencies to Government Radio Stations
Executive Order 5196—Reserving Certain Described Lands for the Purpose of a Fire Patrol Headquarters, Oregon
Executive Order 5197—Restoring Certain Reserved Lands Withdrawn for Power Site Reserve No. 421, California and Nevada
Executive Order 5194—Reserving Certain Described Lands for Classification, Arkansas
Executive Order 5195—Restoring Certain Reserved Lands Pending Resurvey and Opening Such Lands to Entry, Colorado
Executive Order 5192—Abolishing Lewiston, New York, as a Customs Port of Entry
Executive Order 5193—Extending Limits of Customs Ports of Entry of Astoria, Portland, and Marshfield, Oregon, and Longview, Washington, for Incorporation in Customs Collection District No. 29
Executive Order 5191—Restoring Certain Reserved Lands Withdrawn for Classification and Legislation to Permit Homestead Entry, Florida
Executive Order 5189—Prescribing Regulations Governing the Administration of the Foreign Service
Executive Order 5190—Reserving Certain Described Lands for Classification and Pending Legislation, Oregon
Executive Order 5188—Exempting Indian Service Employees from Civil Service Rules Prohibiting Federal Employees from Holding Office Under State, County, or Municipal Government
Executive Order 5187—Exempting Census Supervisors from Civil Service Rules Prohibiting Federal Employees from Holding Office Under State, County, or Municipal Government
Executive Order 5186—Authorizing the Appointment of Ida Elizabeth Henning Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 5184—Restoring Certain Reserved Lands Pending Resurvey and Opening Such Lands to Entry, Wyoming
Executive Order 5185—Establishing Colon Naval Radio Station, Canal Zone
Executive Order 5183—Restoring Certain Reserved Lands Pending Resurvey and Opening Such Lands to Entry, Wyoming
Executive Order 5180—Authorizing the Appointment of Jeanette C. Vaughan Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 5181—Restoring Certain Reserved Lands Pending Resurvey and Opening Such Lands to Entry, Wyoming