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Memorandum on the Assignment of Functions Relating to Waivers and Reports Concerning Africa
George W. Bush
Memorandum on the Assignment of Function Regarding Transfer of Items in the War Reserves Stockpile for the Republic of Korea
Proclamation 8019—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 2006
Memorandum on Certification on Rescission of Libya's Designation as a State Sponsor of Terrorism
Executive Order 13403—Amendments to Executive Orders 11030, 13279, 13339, 13381, and 13389, and Revocation of Executive Order 13011
Proclamation 8016—National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 2006
Proclamation 8018—Death of G. V. Sonny Montgomery
Proclamation 8017—National Safe Boating Week, 2006
Memorandum on Assignment of Functions Relating to the Report to the Congress on Implementation of Humanitarian Assistance Code of Conduct
Proclamation 8015—Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons Responsible for Policies or Actions That Threaten the Transition to Democracy in Belarus