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Executive Order 6606-C—Code of Fair Competition for the Advertising Distributing Trade
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Proclamation 2076—Extending for 1 Year the Period Within Which Advances May Be Made Under Section 10(B) of the Federal Reserve Act as Amended
Executive Order 6604—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Soil Classification, Nebraska and South Dakota
Executive Order 6604-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Laundry Trade
Executive Order 6604-B—Code of Fair Competition for the Restaurant Industry
Executive Order 6602—Allocation of Funds to the Federal Civil Works Administration
Executive Order 6603—Allocation of Funds to the Federal Emergency Relief Administration
Executive Order 6603-A—Authorization of Committee on Naval Affairs of the House of Representatives to Inspect Tax Returns
Executive Order 6601—Code of Fair Competition for the Retail Solid Fuel Industry
Executive Order 6601-A—Increasing the Membership of the Board of Trustees of Export-Import Bank of Washington