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Executive Order 10935—Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives
John F. Kennedy
Memorandum on Racial or Other Discrimination in Federal Employee Recreational Associations
Proclamation 3407—National Little League Baseball Week
Executive Order 10934—Establishing the Administrative Conference of the United States
Proclamation 3406—Loyalty Day, 1961
Executive Order 10933—Amending Executive Order No. 10923, February 24, 1961, to Extend the Time Within Which the Board Created Therein, to Investigate Disputes Between Northwest Airlines, Inc., and Certain of its Employees, Shall Report its Findings to the President
Proclamation 3405—Law Day U.S.A., 1961
Executive Order 10932—Modifying the Exterior Boundaries of Certain National Forests in Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, and Wisconsin
Proclamation 3402—Terminating the Import Fees on Peanut Oil, Flaxseed, and Linseed Oil
Proclamation 3403—National Maritime Day, 1961