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Statement on Signing the Council on Wage and Price Stability Act Amendments of 1975.
Gerald R. Ford
Statement on Signing the Veterans Disability Compensation and Survivor Benefits Act of 1975.
Statement on Signing a Bill Providing for 24-Hour Display of the Flag at Valley Forge State Park, Pennsylvania.
Statement on Signing the Securities Acts Amendments of 1975.
Statement on Signing a Federal-Aid Highway Funds Bill.
Statement on Signing the Amtrak Improvement Act of 1975.
Statement on Signing Bills Rescinding Certain Budget Authorities.
Statement on Signing the Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1975.
Statement on Signing the Speedy Trial Act of 1974.
Statement on Signing Bills Honoring Herbert Hoover and Harry S. Truman.
Statement on Signing the Federal-Aid Highway Amendments of 1974.
Statement on Signing a Bill Establishing the Lowell Historic Canal District Commission.
Statement on Signing the Headstart, Economic Opportunity, and Community Partnership Act of 1974.
Statement on Signing the Deepwater Port Act of 1974.
Statement on Signing the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act.
Statement on Signing the Transportation Safety Act of 1974.
Statement on Signing the Social Services Amendments of 1974.
Statement on Signing a Bill Establishing Rules of Evidence in Federal Court Proceedings.
Statement on Signing the Privacy Act of 1974.
Statement on Signing Emergency Jobs, Unemployment Assistance and Compensation Legislation.