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Remarks at the University of Massachusetts in Boston
William J. Clinton
Remarks in a Roundtable Discussion on Juvenile Crime in Boston, Massachusetts
Remarks at the Business Enterprise Awards Luncheon in New York City
Remarks at a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Dinner in New York City
Remarks in a Roundtable Discussion on Welfare Reform in New York City
The President's Radio Address
Remarks on Receiving the "Adoption 2002" Report and an Exchange With Reporters
The President's News Conference With Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of Israel
Remarks at the Funeral of Ambassador Pamela Harriman
Remarks Prior to Discussions With Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of Israel and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Receiving the Final Report of the White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Following a Screening of Excerpts From the Film "Thomas Jefferson"
Remarks on Campaign Finance Reform Legislation and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Congressional Leaders
Remarks to the Maryland General Assembly in Annapolis, Maryland
Remarks Prior to Discussions With Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin of Russia and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast
Remarks on the 1998 Budget
Remarks at Augusta State University in Augusta
Remarks Prior to a Roundtable Discussion on Education in Augusta, Georgia
Remarks on the Death of Ambassador Pamela Harriman
Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union
Remarks at the Democratic Governors Association Dinner
Remarks at the National Governors' Association Meeting
Remarks at the National Governors' Association Dinner
Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Microenterprise Development
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Military Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters in Arlington, Virginia
The President's News Conference
Remarks at a Democratic Business Council Dinner
Remarks Announcing the Presidents' Summit for America's Future
Remarks at the Swearing-In of William S. Cohen as Secretary of Defense and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the Swearing-In of Madeleine K. Albright as Secretary of State and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Following Discussions With United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks to the First in the World Consortium in Northbrook
Interview With Al Hunt of WBIS in Chicago, Illinois
Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at Stanley Field Middle School in Northbrook, Illinois
Remarks to a Democratic National Committee Meeting
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With the Economic Team and an Exchange With Reporters
Inaugural Address
Remarks at the Inaugural Luncheon
Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Brunch
Remarks on the World War II Memorial and on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Former Senator Bob Dole
Remarks on Mexico's Repayment of Loans From the United States and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Secretary of Defense William J. Perry at Fort Myer, Virginia
Remarks on the Israeli-Palestinian Agreement on Hebron and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Presenting the Congressional Medal of Honor to African-American Heroes of World War II
Remarks to the 1996 National Hockey League Champion Colorado Avalanche
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Business Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the Arts and Humanities Awards Dinner
Remarks on Receiving a Report on Student Loan Default Rates and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Presenting the Arts and Humanities Awards
Remarks on Receiving the Report of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast