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Videotaped Remarks During the Insurrection at the United States Capitol
Donald J. Trump (1st Term)
Remarks at a Campaign Rally Prior to the Georgia State Senate Election Runoff in Dalton, Georgia
Remarks by President-elect Joe Biden at Georgia Senate Drive-In Rally in Atlanta, Georgia
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Telephone Conversation with Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs, General Counsel to the Georgia Secretary of State Ryan Germany, and Attorneys Cleta Mitchell and Kurt Hilbert
Remarks by President-elect Joe Biden After a COVID-19 Briefing in Wilmington, Delaware
National Security Agency Review Teams Briefing Remarks by President-elect Joe Biden in Wilmington, Delaware
Remarks by President-elect Joe Biden on the Nomination for Secretary of Education
Remarks by Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on the Nomination for Secretary of Education
Kamala Harris
Remarks by President-elect Joe Biden in Wilmington, Delaware
Remarks by Vice President-elect Kamala Harris in Wilmington, Delaware
Remarks by President-elect Joe Biden on the Electoral College Vote Certification in Wilmington, Delaware
Remarks at the Operation Warp Speed Vaccine Summit and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Dan M. Gable and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at a Campaign Rally Prior to the Georgia State Senate Election Runoff in Valdosta, Georgia
Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Louis L. Holtz and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on the Presidential Election
Remarks During a Video Teleconference With United States Servicemembers and Exchange With Reporters
Thanksgiving Address by President-elect Joe Biden in Wilmington, Delaware
Remarks at the Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation Ceremony
Remarks on the National Economy
Remarks on Prescription Drug Prices
Remarks on Coronavirus Vaccine Development