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Remarks at the Pan-American Missionary Service at the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul at Mount St. Alban
Theodore Roosevelt
Remarks at the Unveiling of the Sherman Statue in Washington, DC
Remarks in Antietam, Maryland
Remarks in Hagerston, Maryland
Remarks in Richmond Hill, New York
Address to the New York State Agricultural Association, Syracuse, NY
Remarks at the State Fair in Syracuse, New York
Remarks on Board the Olympia During the Review of the Fleet
Remarks on Board the Kearsarge During the Review of the Fleet
Remarks to the Holy Name Society in Oyster Bay, New York
Remarks at the Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of Huntington, Long Island, New York
Remarks at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville
Remarks at the Saengerfest in Baltimore, Maryland
Remarks on the Submission of the Memorandum Concerning the Kishineff Massacre
Remarks at the Consecration of Grace Memorial Reformed Church
Remarks on Return From Western Trip
Remarks at the Dedication of the State Arsenal in Springfield, Illinois
Remarks at the Dedication of the James Milliken University in Decatur, Illinois
Remarks in Lincoln, Illinois
Remarks in Freeport, Illinois