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Letter to the Chairman, Senate Appropriations Committee, Urging Restoration of Funds for a TVA Steamplant at New Johnsonville, Tennessee.
Harry S Truman
Letter to the Speaker on Federal Aid to Education.
Letter to Secretary Forrestal on the Atomic Weapons Tests at Eniwetok.
Letter to the Speaker Transmitting Supplemental Appropriation Estimates for the National Military Establishment.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Clinton P. Anderson as Secretary of Agriculture.
Letter to Secretary Harriman Following His Nomination as U.S. Special Representative in Europe
Letter to the Chairman, U.S. Maritime Commission, on the Ship Construction Program.
Letter to the Italian Ambassador Regarding Trieste.
Letter to the Speaker Transmitting Supplemental Estimate of Appropriations for the European Recovery Program.
Letter to the Attorney General Directing Him To Petition for an Injunction in the Coal Strike.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Concerning the Reorganization Act.
Letter to the Speaker Regarding Additional Appropriations for the National Security Program.
Letter to Secretary Krug Upon Signing Bill Relating to the Completion of the Provo River Reclamation Project
Letter to Secretary Krug Upon Signing Bill Authorizing Distribution of Capital Reserve Funds of the Klamath Indians
Letter to Lincoln MacVeagh on His Appointment as Ambassador to Portugal
Letter to the Administrator, Federal Works Agency, on the Disaster Surplus Property Program.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Requesting Legislation on Behalf of the Civilian Member, Permanent Joint Board on Defense, U.S.-Canada.
Letter to the Chairmen of the Senate and House Armed Services Committees on Retirements for Physical Disability.
Letter to the Administrator, Federal Security Agency, on Raising the Level of the Nation's Health.
Letter to Marriner Eccles Asking Him To Remain With the Federal Reserve Board as Vice Chairman
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Concerning the St. Lawrence Seaway.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Concerning Appointment of General Kuter as Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Robert E. Hannegan as Postmaster General.
Letter to the Chairman, Citizens Food Committee, on the Need for Continuing Conservation Efforts.
Telegram to State Governors Urging Cooperation With the Citizens Food Committee.
Letter to Committee Chairmen on the Situation in Western Europe.
Letter to Dr. Vannevar Bush Upon His Appointment as Chairman, Research and Development Board
Letter to the President, National Federation of Federal Employees.
Letter to Secretary Krug on the Forthcoming International Conference on Natural Resources.
Letter to Secretary Schwellenbach on Employment of the Physically Handicapped.
Letter to Governor Pinero of Puerto Rico Upon Signing Bill Providing for an Elected Governor.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Concerning a Proposed Statue of Commodore John Barry.
Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting the Midyear Economic Report
Letter Appointing Members to the Air Policy Commission
Letter Accepting Resignation of Robert P. Patterson as Secretary of War.
Letter to the Chairman of the Air Coordinating Committee.
Letter to Members of the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Bill Providing Benefits to Philippine Army Veterans.
Letter to Senator Barkley on the Attempt To Override the Taft-Hartley Veto.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on the Administration of Guam, Samoa, and the Former Japanese Mandated Islands.