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Letter to the Chairman, House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Urging Enactment of the Foreign Assistance Act.
Harry S Truman
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Bill for the Establishment of a Commission on the Coal Industry.
Letter to the Chairman, House Committee on Education and Labor, on Federal Aid to Education.
Telegram to Labor and Management Leaders in the Communications Industry Urging a 60-Day Truce.
Letter to Dr. Irvin L. Stewart on the Establishment of the President's Communications Policy Board.
Letter to the Attorney General Directing Him To Petition for an Injunction in the Coal Strike.
Letter to the Vice President Urging a Study of the Land and Water Resources of the New England States and New York.
Letter to the Speaker on the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company.
Telegram to Labor and Management Leaders Proposing a Plan for Settling the Coal Industry Dispute.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on U.S. Assistance to Palestine Refugees.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Clark M. Clifford as Special Counsel to the President.
Letter to the U.S. Representative on the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
Letter to the Chairman of the President's Water Resources Policy Commission.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Julius A. Krug as Secretary of the Interior.
Letter to the President of the Senate Commending the 81st Congress for the Accomplishments of the First Session.
Letter to John L. Sullivan Accepting the Honorary Chairmanship of National Brotherhood Week.
Letter to Senator Johnson on the Nomination of Leland Olds to the Federal Power Commission.
Letter to the Vice President Urging Senate Action To Raise the Salaries of Federal Executives.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Basil O'Connor as President of the American National Red Cross
Letter to Steel Industry Labor and Management Leaders Urging an Early Settlement of the Dispute.