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Letter to the Administrator of the Small Business Administration Regarding the Veto of Bill Concerning Government Ban of Tris in Sleepwear
Jimmy Carter
Domestic High Carbon Ferrochromium Industry Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate Transmitting a Report.
Domestic Bicycle Tire and Tube Industry Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate Transmitting a Report.
Civil Aeronautics Board Letter on the Resignation of Alfred E. Kahn as Chairman.
Letter to Mr. Jean Monnet on His 90th Birthday
Domestic Copper Industry Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate Transmitting a Report.
Wild and Scenic River Designation Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate.
Department of Commerce Exchange of Letters on the Resignation of Sidney L. Harman as Under Secretary.
Department of Education Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Letter to Members of Congress Urging Support of the Veto of H.R. 12928
Camp David Agreements on the Middle East Letter to Prime Minister Menahem Begin of Israel on the Knesset's Vote on the Agreements.
Letters Accompanying the Documents Agreed to at the Camp David Meeting on the Middle East
Reorganization of Federal Audit and Investigation Functions Letter to Senator Robert C. Byrd Urging Action on H.R. 8588.
Embargo Regulations Under the Trading With the Enemy Act Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate.
Natural Gas Legislation Letters to the Members of the Senate on the Conference Committee Report.
First Transatlantic Balloon Crossing Telegram to the Three Balloonists on Their Successful Crossing.
Assistant to the President for Public Liaison Exchange of Letters on the Resignation of Margaret Costanza.
Privacy Act of 1974 Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate Transmitting a Report.
Equal Rights Amendment Letter to Members of the House Judiciary Committee.
Veterans Preference in Civil Service Reform Letter to Chairman Robert N.C. Nix of the House Post office and Civil Service Committee.