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Citation Accompanying National Security Medal Awarded Posthumously to Desmond FitzGerald.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Presidential Unit Citation Awarded the 2d Battalion (Airborne), 503d Infantry, 173d Airborne Brigade (Separate), USA, and Attached Units
Presidential Unit Citation Awarded to the 8th Airborne Battalion, Airborne Division, Army of the Republic of Vietnam.
Statement by the President Upon Awarding the Distinguished Service Medal to Maj. Gen. James W. Humphreys, Jr., USAF
Presidential Unit Citation Awarded to the 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry, 1st Infantry Division, USA.
Presidential Unit Citation Awarded to the 21st Tactical Air Support Squadron, USAF.
Presidential Unit Citation Awarded to the 52d Ranger Battalion, Army of the Republic of Vietnam, and Attached Units.
Presidential Unit Citation Awarded to the 37th Ranger Battalion, Army of the Republic of Vietnam, and Attached Units.
Presidential Unit Citation Awarded to the Second Battalion, Vietnamese Marine Brigade, Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces.
Distinguished Unit Citation Awarded to the 1st Battalion (Airborne), 503d Infantry, 173d Airborne Brigade (Separate), USA.
Text of Distinguished Unit Citation Awarded to the 121st Aviation Company (Air Mobile Light).
Citation Accompanying the National Security Medal Presented to Frank Byron Rowlett.
Text of Five Presidential Unit Citations Awarded for Heroic Action in Viet-Nam.
Citation Commending Eddie Cantor for Distinguished Service to the Nation.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to General Andrew J. Goodpaster.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to James H. Douglas.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to George B. Kistiakowsky.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to Christian A. Herter.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to Gordon Gray.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to Thomas S. Gates.
Citation Presented to General Melvin J. Maas.
Presidential Citation Honoring James Forbis Brownlee.
Citation Accompanying the National Security Medal Presented to Robert Murphy.
Citation Accompanying Legion of Merit, Degree of Chief Commander, Presented to the King of Thailand.
Citation Accompanying Award of Legion of Merit to Captain Edward L. Beach, USN.
Citation Accompanying Awards for Oceanographic Research.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to Neil H. McElroy.
Citation Accompanying the Distinguished Service Medal Presented to General Maxwell D. Taylor.
Letter to John Foster Dulles Awarding Him the Medal of Freedom, and Accompanying Citation
Awards Presented to Commander Anderson and to the Other Officers and the Crew of the U.S.S. Nautilus.
Citation Accompanying the Sylvanus Thayer Award Presented to Dr. Ernest O. Lawrence.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson.
Citation Accompanying the National Security Medal Presented to Major General William J. Donovan.
Citation Accompanying the Distinguished Service Medal Presented to General Gruenther.
Citation Accompanying Medal of Freedom Presented to Dr. John von Neumann.
Citation Accompanying the Distinguished Service Medal Presented to Admiral Robert B. Carney.
Citation Presented to Dr. Jonas E. Salk and Accompanying Remarks.
Citation Presented to the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis and Accompanying Remarks.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to Genevieve de Galard- Terraube.
Citation Accompanying Medal of Honor Presented to Benjamin F. Wilson.